I currently teach a Sunday school class on the Old Testament (I'm
working now on a lesson on Hosea), so I've enjoyed my time the last
few months getting a clearer picture of how the events of that time
period unfolded.
To answer your first question, we can't know precisely when Elijah was
born. The Bible says nothing about Elijah's parentage. In fact, the
story of Elijah begins rather abruptly in 1 Kings 17, which is
somewhat surprising considering how much of a key figure Elijah was;
all that is told about the early part of his life is that he was a
Tishbite from Gilead.
At the first mention of Elijah, Ahab is reigning over Israel.
Fortunately, we have a pretty clear idea from both the Old Testament
and some secular sources about when many of the various kings ruled;
it is widely believed that Elijah makes his Biblical appearance around
875 BC. To research your answer, I checked study Bibles from three
separate theological traditions, and they all pretty much agreed on
many of the key dates of the Old Testament; in most cases they didn't
differ by more than a year or two.
Unfortunately, we don't know how old Elijah was at the time he makes
his appearance in the Bible; if we assume he became a prophet (that
is, started his public ministry) in his 20s, he would have been born
around the year 900 BC.
For the dates I'm going to give you on the appearances of the other
prophets, I'm using ones given in a 1990 edition of the Life
Application Bible published by World Bible Publishers (and distributed
by Tyndale House Publishers). (This particular Bible is out of print,
but you can get an CD-ROM version of the commentary portion at
http://www.biblesoftdirect.com/lifapbibcom.html). Like I said, the
years given there are usually the same or very close to the years
given in two other study Bibles I referred to. I chose this one
because it was the most convenient one to glean the dates from. I've
also checked some other resources, and there seems to substantial
agreement across the theological spectrum as to when various kings
reigned and thus when various prophets lived; where there is
disagreement is over when the books of the Bible were written down in
roughly their present form, but that theological dispute doesn't
affects key dates very much.
The date given for the year Elijah turned over the mantle of his
ministry to Elisha (and therefore the date of the ascension) is 848
BC. For practical purposes, that's the same as the 850 determined by
the researcher who posted the clarification question.
Here are the dates given for the prophetic ministries of various other
Old Testament prophets. As in the case of Elijah, we don't know when
they were born, but we can pinpoint their ministries by knowing who
was king at the time.
875-848 Elijah
848-797 Elisha
835-796? Joel
853?-840 Obadiah
760-750 Amos
753-715 Hosea
742-687 Micah
740-681 Isaiah
793-753 Jonah
663-754 Nahum
627-586 Jeremiah
612-589 Habakkuk
640-621 Zephaniah
593-571 Ezekiel (taken captive in Babylon around 605)
553-536 Daniel (553 is date of first recorded vision;
he was taken captive in Babylon around 605)
520 Haggai
520-480 Zechariah
430? Malachi
I hope this answers your question. If you're interested in further
studies along this line, I'm including some links below to several
relevant resources that discuss Old Testament chronology. The links
given to you by the other researcher in the clarification request are
also good ones. You may note that these pages come from a variety of
theological perspectives, so you won't find agreement on all issues.
Elijah: God's Prophet Who Didn't Die
Holy Bible Chronology Line
The Formation of the Remnant (Biblical Chronology Newsletter)
Key Biblical Dates
Chronology of the Bible, Israel and Jerusalem
Approximate Chronology of the Old Testament Writings
Time Line
Bible History
Best wishes,
Google search terms:
bible chronology prophets
bible chronology elijah
://www.google.com/search?q=bible+chronology+elijah |