Hello Ms. de Rose and thank you for your question.
The reason you may have had trouble finding this information is that
the transcripts are listed under "NBC Today" rather than the "Today
The transcript that you are looking for is the broadcast of
November 21, 2001.
"Annelise Peterson, who lost her brother and boyfriend in the
September 11th attacks, talks about how she's doing now."
"NBC Today" October-December 2001
You can purchase the transcript of that day's program from Burrelle's
Information Services. Transcripts of "NBC Today" cost $17.00 per
How To Order
"You may place your order with [Burrelle's] by phone at 1-800-777-8398
from within the United States or Canada or 1-801-374-1022 from outside
these countries. [They] accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express.
If you prefer to order by mail, please send your order, including the
program name, air date, subject matter and payment (in US funds) to
Burrelle's Transcripts, Department I, P.O. Box 7, Livingston, NJ
07039-0007. If you prefer e-mail, you may send your request to [them]
at transcripts@burrelles.com.
Google search terms used:
Annelise interview "trade center"
"Annelise Peterson" cox
order transcript site:burrelles.com
If you need anything further related to this item, please feel free to
Request Clarification. I would appreciate it if you would hold off on
rating my answer until I have an opportunity to respond.
richard-ga |
Request for Answer Clarification by
09 Sep 2002 10:15 PDT
I had actually located the second URL you had sent me (ending in
tranburr.htm). However, if you go to this site, you'll notice that
the month of November 2001 is missing (after clicking on the Today
Show). How did you get the first URL which lists the range of October
through December? Also, I really wanted the video of those two. You
noted that this was "transcripts". Do they have videos as well? If
not, where can I get it? When I call the 800 number, I get an
answering machine. I left a message anyway.
Julie de Rose