No problem with your not knowing me, whyme :-) Your telling me the
Washington, D.C. gives me enough info to help you find an appraiser.
First, I've been doing some checking on the Web and sending off emails
to various resources to see if I can get any information. So far, I've
had no luck in locating anything on the Web concerning an artist with
the name "G." "Geo." or "George Law." as a marine or other artist.
I've found several references to different "George Law"s. There's a
"wealthy New York businessman", probably alive from the late 1700s to
mid-1800s, who was appears to have been active in the marine industry.
Interestingly, there was also a steam ship called the "George Law"
owned by the United States Mail Steamship Company sailing from New
York to Aspinwall in the 1850s that was later renamed as the infamous
"Central America" (the subject of "Ship of Gold, In The Deep Blue
Sea", by Gary Kinder) when George Law, who had been a director of the
company at the time of her construction, was no longer connected with
it. Given your subject matter, it does make me wonder whether this
"George Law" was also an amateur artist.
Not to harp on it, your best way of determining value is by showing it
to an appraiser. I went to the American Society of Appraisers site and
pulled the following information for you on appraisers in the
Washington, D.C. area. Some indicate that they might do in-home
appraisals, although my impression was that that was normally for full
estate/property appraisals, rather than single items. A call to one or
more of them might give you enough information to decide whether
bringing the teching to one of their galleries would be worthwhile.
Note I've broken these down in specific "speciality" categories.
Please note especially my comment on Weschler below.
Specialty: Antiques & Decorative Arts
Richard F. Driscoll, ASA
Accredited Senior Appraiser
2450 Virginia Ave NW Ste E310
Washington, DC 20037-2653
Phone: (202) 293-2323
L. Gail Stanley, AM
Accredited Member
2510 Virginia Ave NW
Washington, DC 20037-1904
Phone: (202) 338-3433
William P. Weschler, Jr., ASA
Accredited Senior Appraiser
905 E St NW
Washington, DC 20004-2006
Phone: (202) 628-1281
Note: Mr. Weschler's Web site states, "...OPEN APPRAISAL DAY
As a courtesy to our customers, Weschler's offers Free Appraisal Day
the first Thursday of the month during business hours. No appointments
are needed, and specialists are on hand to offer verbal auction-value
estimates of items you think may have value."
Personal Property/Fine Arts
Ted Cooper, ASA
Accredited Senior Appraiser
Adams Davidson Galleries
2727 29th St NW Ste 504
Washington, DC 20008-5545
Phone: (202) 965-3800
Jean-Pierre M. de Andino, ASA
Accredited Senior Appraiser
de Andino Fine Arts
2450 Virginia Ave NW
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: (202) 861-0638
Karen Holtzman, ASA
Accredited Senior Appraiser
6432 31st Place, NW
Washington, DC 20015-2350
Phone: (202) 966-5877
Linda Lichtenberg Kaplan, ASA
Accredited Senior Appraiser
2154 Wyoming Ave NW
Washington, DC 20008-3906
Phone: (202) 234-0309
As I said, I'll post anything I happen receive from the other
resources I've contacted. Best of luck with the appraisal!
Search strategy: "George Law" artist "New York"; "George Law" artist
"New York"; "George Law " etching (various combinations of "G Law"
Geo. Law" and "George Law"; art appraisers Washington, D.C.
rico |
Clarification of Answer by
11 Sep 2002 11:30 PDT
Well, here's an Aha! moment :-, which goes to show why providing
detail is so important. With your additional information, what I
think you have have, whyme, is a lithograph of The "Celebrated Clipper
Bark GRAPESHOT Belonging to Geo. Law, Esq. N.Y." by N. Currier (of
Currier & Ives fame). A framed copy sold at auction last year for
$150.00. See...
for the auction report and...
for a photo of the print.
See also...
for a restoration project featuring the print. Also note the
differences beween the two. The auctioned print was in much better
Please understand that this is not an opinion on the value of your
copy, nor was my earlier comment meant to be. I just report my
research. For all I know, you may have the original, or they may be
something else about what you have that would make it highly
collectible. I think now between the list of appraisers I've supplied,
as well as this additional information, you should be easily able to
get a value placed on your print. Best of luck!
Search Strategy: "Grapeshot" clipper; Grapeshot clipper N. Currier