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Q: wooden inboard boat building in Finger Lakes Region of New York ( No Answer,   5 Comments )
Subject: wooden inboard boat building in Finger Lakes Region of New York
Category: Sports and Recreation > Outdoors
Asked by: winger7777jp-ga
List Price: $100.00
Posted: 09 Sep 2002 09:38 PDT
Expires: 09 Oct 2002 09:38 PDT
Question ID: 63082
Can you find information on Pearce's Marina, which was located on
Cayuga Lake in New York State between 1920 and 1945. I would like the
owner(s) names and information on the "Pearce" boats which they built.
Also I would like sources for researching the wooden inboard boats
that carry the Pearce name.

Request for Question Clarification by journalist-ga on 09 Sep 2002 10:38 PDT
Greetings!  Have you any other information?  If you own an old Pearce
boat, have you checked for alternate spellings or other info in the
engine or boat?  I could locate no direct references to Pearce Marina
on the web but I have sent an email to a boating history site.  If it
proves to have the information you request, I'll post it as an answer.

I also located a boating and marine directory for the Finger Lakes
area and Seneca Falls was mentioned.  I tried searches for that plus
Pearce (and numerous variations on boating, marinas, etc) but found no
solid results.

Any other info you could provide would be of help in researching this

Clarification of Question by winger7777jp-ga on 09 Sep 2002 12:22 PDT
Well this should help some, starting with the correct spelling:
GEORGE MORSE 315-889-7720
This is a for sale listing I found with the Finger Lakes Antique and
boating association. 
Thanks for your help.

Clarification of Question by winger7777jp-ga on 10 Sep 2002 07:22 PDT
I added some notes under comments-didn't know if you would be notified
if I did it that way.
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: wooden inboard boat building in Finger Lakes Region of New York
From: journalist-ga on 09 Sep 2002 16:06 PDT
Greetings again! I'm posting this as a comment because I was still not
able to find Ned Pierce but I did discover info on Penn Yan, a boat
building company, where he must have worked:

"For over 81 years Penn Yan has been building boats with Integrity. 
Yeah... that's a long time, longer than just about any other boat
company. Over the years, Penn Yan Boats has introduced many
revolutionary ideas that have changed the face of boating."

"Plaston Hulls Of the 20's and 30's
Stern Drive Technology Of the 30's
Triotite Construction Of the 40's
Thermoplastic Composite Of the 50's (The Forerunner of Today's
Tunnel Drive Technology Of the 70's"


So the boat was built at Penn Yan according to the info you provided
in your clarification, and then bought or taken to Cayuga, I'd think. 
Below there is info on how to contact Penn Yan for older models' info:

Dear Valued Penn Yan Owner:
We welcome your inquiries about parts and information for your older
Penn Yan boat. It is always a pleasure to hear from another satisfied
Penn Yan boat owner.

Due to liability factors and a complete computerization of our
records, I regretfully admit that we are unable to provide specific
information on construction procedures or engineering on any models
built before 1987.

We do, however, have full color reprints of the original catalog pages
which very often will include specifications, construction info, etc.
and may prove useful. These are available at a cost of $ 12.00 per
page. We also have reprints of the original owners manuals that were
delivered with boats sold between 1968 and 1983. These are available
at a cost of $10.00 each. To order these items, send your check along
with a detailed description of your boat including year and model.
Don't forget to include your return address and email address or phone

Very often your local marine retailer can supply standard components
(such as hardware or wiring) or information using their knowledge of
proper safety factors and procedures.

Most miscellaneous fiberglass parts and all underwater running gear is
available through our customer service department. If you find
yourself in need of any such items, please contact us.

For engine or drive-train information you will need to contact the
engine manufacturer directly.

If you wish to inquire further about your older Penn Yan, please
e-mail as much detailed information as you can, don't forget to give
us your name, address and phone number. Send us a detailed description
of the parts or application. PLEASE DO NOT ATTACH PHOTOS TO YOUR
E-MAIL. We would like to be as helpful as possible and this
information will help us research your request fully. If we need
photos or detailed sketches, we will ask that you 'SNAIL-MAIL' them to

We invite you to join our Classic Boats mailing list for automatic
notification of timely information. Our mailing address is:

Penn Yan Boat Co.
P.O. Box 228, Cheriton, VA 23316
Phone: (757) 331-1818 Fax: (757) 331-1666 


You may be able to find info on Ned Pierce through them.  If you feel
this information is worth any amount, please let me know, though I'll
bet you've already researched Penn Yan.  If you do find this info
useful, please post thusly and I'll claim a fee: you may alter the fee
in your account/question preferences.

I hope this additional information is of assistance in your quest.


Penn Yan  [Google search]

Penn Yan boat building company
Subject: Re: wooden inboard boat building in Finger Lakes Region of New York
From: winger7777jp-ga on 10 Sep 2002 04:30 PDT
Hello, I can see you have been hard at work. Yes, I do have all of the
information on the Penn Yan company, in fact I have one of their
Triotite Construction boats in the process of restoration. I know the
information I requested is obscure, that is why I put $100.00 on the
answer. Maybe the
antique and classic boat Museum in Clayton, NY would have some
information. I am geographically close to them , but prefer to keep a
low profile until I can establish a reasonalble price to ask for the
Pierce that I own. If you can find any more information on the Marina
(may not have been operated under the Pierce name) where the boats
were made, and/or the names of the Pierce family members who were
involved I am still willing to go to $100.00. I believe the marina was
on the west side of cayuga lake, Thompkins county or Cayuga county.
Good luck and thanks again.
Subject: Re: wooden inboard boat building in Finger Lakes Region of New York
From: journalist-ga on 12 Sep 2002 10:27 PDT
Since you wish to maintain a low profile in your area, I have sent an
email to the boat museum inquiring about Ned Pierce.  I will let you
know if I find new information.
Subject: Re: wooden inboard boat building in Finger Lakes Region of New York
From: journalist-ga on 30 Sep 2002 11:48 PDT
Unfortunatley, I have yet to hear back from my query.  Good luck in your quest.
Subject: Re: wooden inboard boat building in Finger Lakes Region of New York
From: digger-ga on 13 Aug 2003 10:03 PDT
You might keep on eye out for possible literature
or put in a request for literature at the 
Vintage Marine Sales Literature site

They deal in boating sales literature all the way 
back to the 1800's.


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