Hi mbleau,
In looking back over some of the older unanswered questions, I came
across yours, and I can see why it has gone unanswered for so long.
Understand that my interest is in satisfied customers. Your question
has been untouched for nearly a month. Not even a comment. Im sure
this is not what you expected from our Researchers!
I hope you dont mind me being somewhat frank with you, but in truth
you are asking for many thousand dollars worth of market research for
your $100. Each of your individual points alone would take hours (or
days) to research, and thats assuming the information is even
publicly available. Most researchers do not have access to proprietary
databases, and even if we did, we would not be permitted to resell
that information here.
The other reason the question is unanswered is because you are asking
for world-wide data. Most of that is going to be unavailable online.
US dollar value for swim goggles sold in, say Ecuador, with breakdowns
by age is just not out there.
And finally, dollar figures for actual products are extremely
difficult to find. Most companies do not divulge this information, so
average price per product may not be something we can help you with.
My suggestion would be to break your question into manageable bites
and repost them separately, individually priced. Remember, a
researcher will not even attempt to answer a question unless he/she
knows she can answer every single part of it. Make each question just
one or 2 parts, and you might get some results.
I would recommend starting with the second half of your question
Who are the leading top-5 manufacturers of the following eyewear
products sold in the United States?
Top 5 manufactures for 4 different products might constitute a good
$100 question.
Remember, these are only suggestions. You might want to look through
some previous market research questions, both answered and unanswered,
to get a better idea of how Researchers can help you.
At the bottom of your question page is a search box: Search Google
Answers in that box type MARKET DATA and that will give you a good
selection of previously asked questions.
Please let me know if youd like any further information. Id like to
see your questions answered, as Im sure you do.
-K~ |