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Category: Science > Math Asked by: mdurkee65-ga List Price: $100.00 |
10 Sep 2002 09:10 PDT
Expires: 10 Oct 2002 09:10 PDT Question ID: 63468 |
What is the chance for a single bowling pin to remain standing, from the first throw of each frame only, for all ten frames of a game? Note -- this allows for any of the pins to be eligible to be the sole remaining pin. as a followup -- what would the chance be if the sole remaining pin for each frames first throw is a specific pin? | |
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Re: mathematical
Answered By: justaskscott-ga on 10 Sep 2002 13:44 PDT Rated: ![]() |
I'll respectfully disagree with lot-ga; the answer doesn't seem so simple to me. (Perhaps the difficulty of the answer depends on one's perspective; it might be simple, for example, to someone with a degree in mathematics.) But the answer can be calculated with some effort. You are interested in the chance that one pin will be left standing in all ten frames after the first ball is thrown. (A game can also last eleven frames if you convert the spare at the end of the tenth frame; more about that possibility at the end of the answer.) I will assume that the probability that any possible set of pins will be standing after you roll the first ball is equally likely. In other words, under this assumption, each grouping of pins has an equal chance of remaining, from 0 pins to 10 pins to each arrangement of pins in between. The first important step of the calculation is to determine whether to use the formula for permutations or the formula for combinations. Permutations, as you may know, are ways of arranging objects into groups where the order of the objects does matter. By contrast, combinations are groups where the order does not matter. So, for example, there are two permutations of the most difficult split in bowling -- you could call it the 1-10 or the 10-1, depending on which pin you wanted to list first. But there is only one combination, in the mathematical sense. Similarly, there is only one combination for all ten pins -- again, the order does not matter. But there are many permutations of ten pins: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, 1-3-2-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, and so on. It is clear that you are interested in combinations, not permutations. If ten pins are left standing, you wouldn't say that 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 is a different group of ten pins than 1-3-2-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. You might say that they were different if you were interested in the order that the pins fell; then 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 would not be the same as 1-3-2-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. But in your question, ten pins standing is just one possible result. The formula for calclulating combinations (as well as the formula for permutations) is explained on various web pages, such as this one: "Ask Dr. Math: FAQ - Permutations and Combinations" The Math Forum @ Drexel http://mathforum.org/dr.math/faq/faq.comb.perm.html As shown on that page, n_C_k = n! / k!(n-k)! The probability that one pin will be left standing after the first ball in each frame is 10C1 divided by the sum of all the possible combinations (10C0 + 10C1 + 10C2 ... + 10C10) of standing pins. Using the formula for combinations: 10C0 = 10! / 0!(10-0!) = 10! / 1(10!) = 1 [In other words, there is one result where zero pins remain, just like there is one result where ten pins remain.] 10C1 = 10! / 1!(10-1)!) = 10! / 1!(9!) = 10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 / 1(9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1) = 10 [Every number from 9 down to 1 divides by itself in this calcualation, leaving only the 10. In the calculations below, I will save a step by leaving out each number that, in the end, is divided by itself. I will also save a step by showing the result of n-k, rather than displaying the numbers I've plugged into n-k.] 10C2 = 10! / 2!(8!) = 10*9 / 2 = 45 10C3 = 10! / 3!(7!) = 10*9*8 / 3*2 = 120 10C4 = 10! / 4!(6!) = 10*9*8*7 / 4*3*2 = 210 10C5 = 10! / 5!(5!) = 10*9*8*7*6 / 5*4*3*2 = 256. From here on in, the results are 10C6 = 210, 10C7 = 120, 10C8 = 45, 10C9 = 10, and 10C10 = 1. There is no difference, for instance, between 10C4 and 10C6. 10C6 = 10! / 6!(4!). This is equivalent to 10! / 4!(6!), and thus equals 210. Likewise, 10C7 produces the same outcome as 10C3, and so on. Adding them all up, you get 1 + 10 + 45 + 120 + 210 + 256 + 210 + 120 + 45 + 10 + 1 = 1024. There are 10 chances that one pin will be left standing (one chance for each of pin numbers 1 through 10). Thus, the probablity of one pin standing after the first ball of a frame is 10/1024, or if you simplify it, 5/512. Now that's not quite the end of the story. You have to multiply the chance that this event will happen in one frame by the possibility it will happen in every frame. That would be 5/512 to the 10th power, which is a remarkably small number -- approximately 3.009 x 10 to the -26th power (otherwise expressed as 3.009 x 10^-26. And that's your answer. The chance of a specific pin will be standing after the first ball of a frame is not 10/1024, but 1/1024. Again, that must be multiplied by the chance of that this pin will also be standing in the other frames. So that is 1/1024 to the 10th power, or approximately 3.081 x 10^-33. If you want to calculate the probabilities for an eleven-frame match, you would take 5/512 to the 11th power, or 1/1024 to the 11th power, respectively. Of course, in real life, the probabilities are different. If you are a decent bowler, you won't throw the ball randomly; moreover, the pins won't fall at random. If you hit the pins near the middle, you'll fairly often have 1 pin standing -- much more than 10 times out of 1024. Also, you will be more likely to have, say, just the 7 or 10 pin standing than just the 4 or 6. Thank you for this question. I used to bowl all the time, but recently I've been pursuing other kinds of recreation (like answering questions here!). Now that I've been inspired by your question, I think I'll head on over to the Bowl-a-rama! - justaskscott-ga Search terms used on Google: combinations permutations | |
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rated this answer:![]() i was very impressed with the speed in which a well thought answer was provided -- if i am in need of this service again i will use it. one suggestion -- it would be nice to have some way to have direct communication with the people who answer the questions - is that in the works? |
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Re: mathematical
From: mvguy-ga on 10 Sep 2002 14:48 PDT |
Here's how I would calculate it, if I understand the question right: The chance that in the first frame only the first pin would remain standing is (1/2)^10 or 1/1024 or .0009765625. The chance that the same thing would happen in every frame is (1/1024)^10 or 7.889*(10^-31). So the chance that only the first pin would be standing every time is 7.889*10^-31. The chance would be the same that only the second pin would be standing every time, or the third pin, and so on. Now to recalculate for it not mattering which pin stands: The chance that any one pin would still be standing in the first frame would be 10*(1/1024) or 10/1024 or 1/102.4 or .009765625. (That's the chance that only the first pin stands plus the chance that only the second stands plus the chance that only the third one stands, etc.) The chance that one pin (doesn't matter which) is standing in 10 frames would be (10/1024)^10 or 7.889*(10^-21). I'm pretty confident this is right (if I understand the question). If someone could show me where my logic or calculation is wrong, I'll gladly retract this comment. I'm not attempting to undermine Justaskscott-ga's work, but I do think his calculations (not his logic) are incorrect. |
Re: mathematical
From: justaskscott-ga on 10 Sep 2002 17:17 PDT |
Mvguy has submitted a valuable correction. We both have the same answer to the first question: 7.889 x 10^-21. Mvguy has calculated the correct answer to the second question: 7.889 x 10^-31. What I did was take 1/512 to the 10th power. This was an error: I had forgotten that the original fraction was 1/1024, not 1/512. (I had been using 5/512 for the other fraction, so I was thinking of 512 as the denominator.) Thanks, mvguy! It's a little embarrassing for me to admit that I made an error, but it would be worse if no one had submitted a correction. |
Re: mathematical
From: justaskscott-ga on 11 Sep 2002 07:26 PDT |
mdurkee65 - Thank you for your comments on the work that mvguy and I did. Unfortunately, I think that I'm not supposed to communicate privately about questions posted on Google Answers. However, I'll pass along your suggestions to the Google Answers editors about private communication and splitting money between Researchers. These are good ideas. - justaskscott |
Re: mathematical
From: mdurkee65-ga on 11 Sep 2002 11:29 PDT |
No problem -- i realise that this is new and they need to work out a few of the bugs |
Re: mathematical
From: alan0-ga on 14 Sep 2002 04:58 PDT |
For me the important part is the bit of the answer which says "Of course, in real life, the probabilities are different. If you are a decent bowler, you won't throw the ball randomly". In real life this is referring to "skill", statistically, you must take into account the "independence" between each bowl. For example, consider the following two questions. The questions sound the same but the answers are very different: (1) If a football/soccer team win the coin toss in their first nine games, what is the probability of them winning the toss in their tenth game. (2) If a football/soccer team win their first nine games, what is the probability of them winning their tenth game. The answer to the first question is 0.5 because each throw is independent. The answer to the second question is much higher because the team are obviously playing well and are a good team. |
Re: mathematical
From: mdurkee65-ga on 14 Sep 2002 05:51 PDT |
thanks for the comment alan0-ga -- you are absolutely correct there is a great deal of difference in the answer when "real life" is taken into account. doing so would involve a much greater challenge to determine a statistically correct answer. do you have any ideas on how this could be done? the reason is asked for a random probability answer is that this is the upper limit to the chances -- real life will always have an increased chance for the single pin to be left standing. i would love to continue this discourse -- here or directly mdurkee at msi-mfg.com i am interested in continuing this effort but i do not think that this forum is the right place to conduct the research |
Re: mathematical
From: alan0-ga on 15 Sep 2002 12:57 PDT |
mdurkee65-ga - not sure I agree that "real life will always have an increased chance for the single pin to be left standing". If the player is really bad then the chances are very low that any pins will be knocked down, let alone nine. If the player is pretty good then the chances are high that one pin will be left. If the player is very good then the chance gets lower again as the player will probably knock down all ten (unless the player knows what the aim is!). Anyway, to get a real life answer we need to leave the world of permutations and combinations and move in to distributions - what is the distribution of players success, what is the average number of pins knocked down, etc. A Google search on "bowling scores distribution" uncovered: (1) a web site with some commercial software which you can feed you own scores in and work out your own distribution. See http://www.mnsi.net/~edd/index.htm (2) A link to a page that would not display but looked like it was a homework answer about distribution of bowling scores. See http://w.public.iastate.edu/~dnett/S401A/hw7.pdf (3) Some books: Cooper, C. N. and Kennedy, R. E. "A Generating Function for the Distribution of the Scores of All Possible Bowling Games." In The Lighter Side of Mathematics (Ed. R. K. Guy and R. E. Woodrow). Washington, DC: Math. Assoc. Amer., 1994. Cooper, C. N. and Kennedy, R. E. "Is the Mean Bowling Score Awful?" In The Lighter Side of Mathematics (Ed. R. K. Guy and R. E. Woodrow). Washington, DC: Math. Assoc. Amer., 1994. Hope this helps. What is this all for anyway (and why was it worth $100?) |
Re: mathematical
From: mdurkee65-ga on 16 Sep 2002 05:01 PDT |
Thanks for the additional information alan0-ga. |
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