I have the answer to get your list. I contacted a person, at the
Philidelphia Health Dept. who got me in contact with John Rafes, who
told me that such a list is available. The fee for this list is $600 (
I assume he meant $600 and not $6.00) you'd have to check. His contact
information is as follows.
Here is the text of the email he sent me.
"Nenna,(I took out my real name)
Yes we can provide such a list. However, there is a $600. fee for
service. Let me know if you want to proceed.
So, that is the way to get a list of all licenced pet owners in the
I will email him back letting him know I got his email, and gave it to
you, and leave it up to you to contact him and work out the details.
Searches used:
Google-- Philidelphia Pet Licencing
First email sent to: HealthDept@phila.gov
They in turn fowarded it on to the correct person who could give me
this information.
Also, have you considered a ad in the local newspaper or other such
publications. The flyers and such are a great idea, but maybe a
advertisement in the local newspaper with a coupon for a amount or
percentage off, or even a "Try me once and if you're not satisfied,
it's free" ad would work. There are many marketing ideas out there.
Some others would be billboards, bus stop advertisements, radio spots
and television commercials. (Depending on your budget of course) and
anywhere that sells pet supplies. Also, make sure your prices are
competitive, or even a bit lower than your competitors, it'll give you
a bit of a edge.
I'm glad I could find a list for you, and I hope the suggestions help
out as well.
Nenna-GA |