Hello mades32388-ga,
Thank you for your question.
In an article Choosing the perfect stroller Consumer Reports by the
Editors of Consumer Reports, they state that there were 5.6 million
strollers sold in 1998.
Here is an excerpt from that article:
If you don't find one stroller that meets all your needs, you may
need to consider a second. Parents often get more than one for their
child, which probably explains why there were 5.6 million strollers
sold in 1998 when only 3.9 million babies were born.
The Daily Ardmoreite Website
In addition, I sent an e-mail to Jennifer Szwalek, jszwalek@ahint.com
VP of Communications of (JPMA) Juvenile Products Manufacturers
Association inquiring for the number of strollers sold in the United
States each year.
Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association Website
This is the answer I received.
Unfortunately we do not have those figures. We do not require our
members to report their individual sales of each of their product
lines at this time.
Jennifer Szwalek
VP of Communications
Search Criteria:
stroller sales
U.S. stroller sales
strollers million sold
I hope you find this helpful.
Best Regards,
Bobbie7-ga |