Hello idavid,
Thanks for your question!
Searching "bernard koopman" +operations +papers OR publications, I
uncovered the following information:
On the Military Operations Research Society history page for
recommended reading at http://www.mors.org/history/history.htm , you
will find the following by Bernard Koopman:
Koopman, B.O., Search and Screening: General Principles with
Historical Applications, Pergamon Press, NY, 1980, and
In 1998 MORS republished Morse and Kimball's "Methods of Operations
Research" and republished "Search and Screening" by Bernard Koopman in
1999. Contact the MORS office to order your own personal copy of these
MOR classics.
They are reachable at morsoffice@aol.com or you can download their
Adobe .pdf order form at http://www.mors.org/publications/order.pdf .
"Search and Screening" is sold here for $24.00 plus $5.00 shipping and
At the ACM Portal (Association for Computing Machinery)
, I found reference to an article by Koopman as follows:
An empirical formula for visual search
Bernard O Koopman
INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management
Sciences (INFORMS), Baltimore, MD, USA
Pages: 377 - 383 Periodical-Issue-Article
Year of Publication: 1986
This appears in Operations Research, Volume 34, Issue 3, May-June
1986. The complete text is available online, but you must be a member
to access this. ACM Portal lists membership information as follows:
"The ACM Portal fully integrates the ACM Digital Library, the ACM
Online Guide, and the Online Computing Reviews Service.
ACM Professional Members can add a subscription to the full ACM Portal
for an additional $99 US (per year).
ACM Student Members enjoy full access to the ACM Portal if they have
selected one of the following two student membership types:
The Student Portal Package $42 US (per year)
The Student Print and Portal Package $62 US (per year)
Full access to the Online Guide portion of the ACM Portal is available
to all ACM Professional, Student, and SIG Members as a basic
membership benefit. A free ACM Web Account is required:
Special Digital Library and Online Guide Packages are available for
Institutions, Corporations and Consortia. Please see "Institutional
Subscriptions," or visit the ACM Library Website at:
A 2001 report for the US Coast Guard Research and Development Center
entitled "Review of Search Theory: Advances and Applications to Search
and Rescue Decision Support"
http://www.rdc.uscg.gov/Reports/2001/CGD1501Report.pdf , has quite a
few chapters on Koopman including early works and many methodologies.
This 128 page Adobe .pdf file can be downloaded with the above link.
Performing a basic search at the Library of Congress, www.loc.gov , I
found only two listings for author Bernard Koopman and both were for
"Search and Screening" and differed only by date of publication.
Hoping to uncover more for you, I searched another dozen of my
favorite search engines but to no avail. It appears that the above are
all of the known publications by Bernard Koopman, or at least the
publications that are publicly available.
I hope this information has been helpful. Please let me know if
anything above requires clarification.
-=clouseau-ga=- |
Request for Answer Clarification by
15 Sep 2002 09:55 PDT
Clouseau - many thanks for your efforts.
i am not very satisfied, but I guess I am to be blamed. I was aware of
Koopmam's "search and screening", and when i said "list of
publications" I actually meant the official, comprehensive list of
academic publications a scholar normaly has (often attached to his/her
CV). I realize that in this case it might not be available on the web,
but I believe Prof Koopman must have held one.
Reading in "INFORMS-Online" site,
"Dr. Koopman received his Ph.D. (Mathematics) in 1926 from Columbia
University, and spent his entire professional career as a member of
its faculty of mathematics. He was appointed to the prestigious Adrian
professorship in 1955, and served as department chair from 1951-56.
Dr. Koopman returned to Columbia as a full professor after World War
II. As an active OR consultant, he had long and fruitful associations
with the Center for Naval Analyses, Institute for Defense Analyses
(IDA), and A.D. Little, Inc.
He spent the 1956-57 and 1964-65 academic years on leave from Columbia
working at IDA. During his 1959-61 sojourn in London, he was the OR
liaison between the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.K. military
establishment, and NATO; he played a critical role in introducing
operations research as a permanent NATO activity."
The question is (or is it a long shot?) --- Can (how?) Columbia Math
Dept (?, or others mentioned above) be approached, by phone, fax, mail
or so - to obtain
such a (archived?) list?
Clarification of Answer by
15 Sep 2002 11:33 PDT
Hello idavid,
I'm sorry the answer did not meet your expectations, but, as you note,
your clarification is much more specific as to what information you
truly desire to find.
Do allow me a few days to further research this question. I'll post
clarifications as (and if) I find additonal information for you.
Clarification of Answer by
16 Sep 2002 10:28 PDT
Hello again, idavid.
I have email off to Arthur Little, Columbia University, the CNA and
the IDA. I will, of course, report any reply of interest.
In the mean time, I have solicited a bit of help from my fellow
researchers and have found some valuable information for you:
One researcher (thanks omnivorous) found the following:
The Operations Research Society of America at:
http://www.jstor.org/journals/00963984.html :
Journal of the Operations Research Society of America
(continued by Operations Research)
JSTOR coverage: Vols. 1-3, 1952-1955
Although I am lead to believe that there are articles by or references
to Koopman here, I am not granted access as I am not logging in from
an accredited institution. Alas.
He also found the following:
Three Koopman papers:
Search and Screening, Operations Evaluation Group Rep. No. 56
(unclassified), Center for Naval Analysis, Rosslyn, VA
The Theory of Search, Pt. I, Kinematic bases, Operations Res. 4,
The Theory of Search, Pt. III. The optimum distribution of searching
effort, Operations Res. 5, 613-626
and further notes "make that four papers -- I just don't know the
title of Pt. II "
While still awaiting return emails, I further searched the U.S. Coast
Guard Research and Development Center and found two additional
listings, but they were similar articles and reports just noting prior
work done by Koopman in Search and Screening.
I emailed a professor named Koopman at another East Coast University
to see if he might be a relative, but to no avail. He claims a number
of Dr. Koopmans in his family, but none named Bernard O.
I noticed searching for Koopman at CNAC that there are MANY references
to work by Martha E. Koopman. I wondered if she might be related as
this would be an amazing coincidence, I would think, if not. I found
an email address for her in Vienna, listed as being affiliated with
CNAC, but my email was returned as account no valid. I did email CNAC
for her email address, or if not permitted to reveal, for them to
forward a request to see if she is related and might have information.
This morning I received a reply from the librarian at IDA:
The IDA library does not have a publications list for Dr. Koopman.
But I did search the library catalog, the web, and several book
vendors. I've compiled a list of his publications for you of what I
was able to locate.
(name removed)
Documents Reference Librarian
IDA Library
Unfortunately, her attachment only contained the two versions of
Search and Strategy we are now both very familiar with.
Ahh, now here we have something positive!!!
I received the following reply from CNAC:
"I would be able to run a bibliography of all reports that Mr. Koopman
wrote for CNA, but I don't know of any other complete bibliograhpies
his work.
However, your request must be approved by our contract manager who
needs to know what this information will be used for. Please reply to
me so that I may forward your request to our contract manager.
Thank you for your interest in CNAC's work.
Cheryl Zebrowski
Research Librarian
The Center for Naval Analyses
4825 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22311-1850
(703) 824-2117 FAX: (703) 824-2200
zebrowsc@cna.org "
Since I do NOT know your intended use for this information, I must
request that you reply to Ms. Zebrowski and perhaps note that a GA
researcher had made this request earlier on your behalf and you were
now following up, so that she will know your request is not a new
So, I am still awaiting replies from and about Martha E Koopman and
from Columbia University and Arthur Little. I will post more when and
if these replies are fruitful, however, I wanted to post the above
lead as soon as it arrived so that you can reply.
I hope this additional information has been helpful.
Best regards,
Clarification of Answer by
17 Sep 2002 00:53 PDT
Hello Israel,
First congratulations on the nomination for the Koopman Prize and best
of luck in your success! I did have an opportunity to read a bit about
it while doing this research for you and I have a feeling for the
prestige associated with it.
I think that it will probably be better for a number of reasons for
you to email Ms. Zebrowski directly. She is expecting an email from
you and has had an explanation that I was doing research as a Goggle
Researcher for a client and you woul dhave to provide the motibvation
for your information request. Since you will have to be approved to
receive the information, I think you are better suited to discuss
details and I think they will be more comfortable having email contact
directly with you.
Also, generally personal contact information either about our Google
Researchers or our users is not permitted. I suspect that your contact
information will be removed from your last Request for Clarification
when a Google Editor happens by to see this question. It is
information I should not have, and if it disappears you will now know
At this moment I am losing hope that I will have a reply from Martha E
Koopman, Arthur Little or the math department at Columbia, but it is
possible. In my experience requests for information similar to this
either happen the first day (as in the case of the prompt response
from the CNA) or probably not at all. However, I have not abandoned
hope and will, of course, post anything that I might still uncover. I
do believe the best additional information will come from Ms Zebrowski
at the CNA.
Again, best of luck winning the Koopman prize!
Best regards,
Clarification of Answer by
17 Sep 2002 17:16 PDT
Hello Israel,
No new email replies today (and I'm afraid they may not be
forthcoming) but I found a few more references to papers by Koopman
author = "Bernard O. Koopman",
title = "Search and its optimization",
journal = j-AMER-MATH-MONTHLY,
volume = "86",
number = "7",
pages = "527--540",
month = "????",
year = "1979",
ISSN = "0002-9890",
MRclass = "90B40",
MRnumber = "80k:90021",
bibdate = "Wed Dec 3 17:17:33 MST 1997",
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
bibliography, BibTeX, American Mathematical Monthly",
"This is a bibliography of the journal
American Mathematical Monthly (CODEN
AMMYAE, ISSN 0002-9890), published by the
Mathematical Association of America.
And also:
[Koo72] Bernard O. Koopman. Air-terminal queues under time-dependent
Operations Research, 20:1089-1114, 1972.
found here:
Another paper that mentions Koopman: Scaled Boolean Algebra at:
And one more: A Logic for Representing and Reasoning with Statistical
Knowledge at : http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~fbacchus/Papers/BCI90.ps
Perhaps there may be some information of value in these for you.
Request for Answer Clarification by
17 Sep 2002 21:32 PDT
yes, i realized that soon after writing to you and i have already
written yesterday to the CNA.
I thank you very much and am willing to double the price, don't know
Clarification of Answer by
18 Sep 2002 09:39 PDT
Hello again Israel,
And thank you for your rating and offer to increase the price of this
question. Unfortunately, this can no longer be done once a question
has been answered. But I do appreciate your thoughfulness.
It has been a pleasure working through this research with you, and
should I receive anything further in terms of email replies, I will
continue to post as clarifications.
Best of luck winning this award.
Clarification of Answer by
04 Oct 2002 08:47 PDT
Hello Israel,
Just thought I would let you know that I heard from Martha E. Koopman
of CNA today. She writes that she has been away from the office hence
the delayed reply, but is not a relative of Bernard Koopman to the
best of her knowledge and has no additional information to contribute.
Clarification of Answer by
11 Oct 2002 11:12 PDT
Hello again Israel,
I received a reply today from a former colleague of Koopman. He faxed
me a biography of Koopman by Philip Morse. There is a bibliography
with a list of about 50 or so published papers including some that
are classified.
Is this information still useful for you? If so, is there something in
particular you would like me to check for? If you would like the
entire list, then I will have to scan, save as jpegs and upload to the
Internet so that you can grab them. Just let me know your needs.
Request for Answer Clarification by
12 Oct 2002 00:03 PDT
Absolutely great and just-in-time.
I received the following a few hours ago:
----- Original Message -----
From: kwomer@bus.olemiss.edu
To: idavid@bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 10:24 PM
Subject: RE: Koopman Prize 2001
Congratulations your paper has been selected as the winner of the 2001
Koopman Prize. We will announce the award at the MAS business meeting
to be held Monday November 18 in conjunction with the San Jose INFORMS
meeting. Is there any chance that you will attend? If so we would be
honored to present the award in person.
Keith Womer, Director
Hearin Center for Enterprise Science
University of Mississippi
University, MS 38677-1848
662 915 5820
... and i plan to go to san jose next month. While i had in mind
only citing any work by Prof Koopman,
which deals with safety issues, friendly fire, fragmentation, damage
function, firing theory,
or related topics, it would be great to have the full list by the
Philip McCord Morse. I dont know how many are aware of its existence.
Yes, please do your best to pass it to me, either scanned and posted,
or anyway you see fit, asap.
Again, many thanks.
Clarification of Answer by
12 Oct 2002 00:20 PDT
Give me about 30 minutes and I should have it online. I'll post when I do.
Clarification of Answer by
12 Oct 2002 00:38 PDT
Ok, its up as a zipped jpg file at http://www.lucidmatrix.com/uploads/koopman.zip
This file will only be available for 30 days and then is automatically removed.
Best regards,
Request for Answer Clarification by
12 Oct 2002 03:52 PDT
Got it. Very good!
Many thanks!
Clarification of Answer by
12 Oct 2002 10:04 PDT
My pleasure.