Large household appliances are surprisingly hard to find for sale
online. There are many online reviews and feature-comparisons, but
actual vendors are rather scarce, probably because most consumers
would not want to pay the hefty shipping fees that are typical for
very heavy items such as major appliances.
I have found the following data for you. I wish there were more items,
but many of the sites I visited did not carry the exact model numbers
you need, and I operated on the assumption that price comparison with
"similar" models would not be useful.
Here are three online prices for each of these appliances:
Sears offers the GE Advantium SCA1000D microhood for $699, as do
Appliance Discount Warehouse and Universal Appliance and Kitchen
Sears: GE Advantium SCA1000D
Appliance Discount Warehouse: GE Advantium SCA1000D
Universal Appliance and Kitchen Center: GE Advantium SCA1000D
The GE Triton XL GSD6600G dishwasher is $499 at Sears, $479 at
Appliance Discount Warehouse, $469 at Universal Applicance and Kitchen
Sears: GE Triton XL GSD6600G
Appliance Discount Warehouse: GE Triton XL GSD6600G
Universal Appliance and Kitchen Center: GE Triton XL GSD6600G
The GE slide-in electric range JSP46WH (the WH is a color designation
for white) is $1129 at I Can Shop Online Appliance World, $1139 at US
Appliance, $1149 at Universal. (All of these vendors charge more for
the white range than for the same range in black.)
I Can Shop Online Appliance World: GE JSP46 Electric Range
US Appliance: GE JSP46 Electric Range
Universal Appliance and Kitchen Center: GE JSP46 Electric Range
My search strategy:
Searching with Google using the model numbers was not particularly
helpful. I went directly to sites where major appliances are sold, and
searched each site individually, by category.
I hope this information will be of use. If anything in my answer is
not clear, or if any of the links do not function, please do not
hesitate to ask for clarification. There is a possibility that some of
these links may change or expire (particularly the Sears ones, which
are often tied to a certain user's visit.) If you cannot reach a site,
let me know. I have saved these pages on my hard drive, and can put
them on my server for you to examine, if need be.
Enjoy your new kitchen!
Best regards,
pinkfreud |