A five gallon (liquid, US) container is equivalent to 3785411.784
cubic millimeters. In practical application, it is probably somewhat
less, because the jar may or may not have a neck or other area where
coins can't fit.
The dimensions of a nickel, dime and quarter are approximately the
nickel 21.2 mm diameter, 1.95 mm thickness
dime 17.9 mm diameter, 1.35 mm thickness
quarter 24.3 mm diameter, 1.75 mm thickness
The formula for volume of a cylinder is V = (PI)r^2h. That makes the
volume of the coins the following:
nickel 688.3 cubic mm
dime 339.7 cubic mm
quarter 811.6 cubic mm
If we take the average of the three coins (by summing the volumes and
dividing by the number of coins) we get an average volume of 613.2
cubic mm.
If we divide the volume of the container (3785411.784 cubic mm) by the
average volume of a coin (613.2 cubic mm) we get 6173 coins. Saying
that there is an equal number of each denomination, we divide by three
which gives us 2057 coins of each type. If we multiply by the value of
each coin we get:
nickel 2057 * .05 = 102.85
dime 2057 * .10 = 205.70
quarter 2057 * .25 = 514.25
Summed together, this gives us a grand total of $822.80.
CoinStar estimates that a 1 gallon container holds about $160.95 of
mixed coins, so this is probably a pretty close approximation. In
practical application, you always have some airspace between the coins
so a real container, again, most likely holds slightly less than this
Let me know if you need anything more.
Happy coin counting!
Digital Dutch Unit Convertor
Distraction, US Coins
Area and Volume of Solids
Search Strategy:
unit conversion
coin dimensions nickel dime quarter
formula volume cylinder
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=formula+volume+cylinder |