Licensing for the NCAA and 180 universities is handled by the
Collegiate Licensing Company (www.clc.com). According to the site:
"Obtaining a license through CLC for one of its Member Institutions is
a process that will require a great deal of thought, research, and
commitment on your behalf. With more than 2,000 companies already
licensed to produce a wide range of products, CLC and each institution
analyze every application with great diligence. Less than 20% of all
applications sent out by CLC are ever accepted to become licensees.
Only those companies that can exhibit a commitment to the collegiate
market, have established production and distribution capabilities,
and/or offer a new or unique product will be granted the opportunity
to obtain a CLC License." (1)
The licensing process takes at least 4-6 weeks and requires hundreds
of dollars in fees, advance royalties and other expenses.
The CLC recommends you start the process by submitting a New Product
Inquiry Form, available at
To submit an application for licensing to the CLC, go to
If you wish to make products with the name or logo of a university
that does not work through CLC, you may have to contact that
university directly.
I hope this answer meets your needs. If not, please request
(1) "Licensing Applications for Potential Licensees," CLC
Search strategy:
NCAA licensing
://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=NCAA+licensing |