Hello gardnervillian,
Thanks for your question.
The number of copies to be printed is a feature of the printer driver
as opposed to Word itself.
Here is a simple and effective solution.
Go to Control Panel/Printers and add a new printer of the same type
and model as the one you currently use. If, for example, you use an HP
5P, create a new printer and call it HP 5P Word.
Once this is installed, go to the properties for this new printer
(right click the new printer listed here under Control
Panel/Printers). Each make and model will be slightly different, but
all will have a setting for the default number of copies to be
printed. Select 2 or 3 as you desire.
Now, you have two options. You can make this new printer the default
Windows printer where it will automatically be selected for all print
jobs in all programs, OR, you can simply select print from Word and
scroll down to this printer in the drop down list for your print job.
If most of your daily printing is in Word, then making this the
default printer will simplify the amount of copies printed for you in
your print jobs. If not, then perhaps it will be more convenient for
you to select this printer when you open Word for print jobs. Once
Word has been opened, and this printer selected, it will remain the
printer of choice for your Word session and will not require
reselecting until you have closed Word and reopened it in another
I hope this has proven helpful and answered your question.
Best regards,
-=cloueseau-ga=- |