The song is "Jessie", sung and written by Joshua Kadison, from the
album "Painted Desert Serenade".
On a few web sites, the lyrics are written like this -
"Jessie paints a picture about how it's gonna be.
By now I should know better, you're dreams are never free.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea. ...."
For an example, see:
"Jesse - Joshua Kadison"
Aj6 Interactive - Shironline
But it appears that the actual lyrics are these:
"Jessie paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea; ...."
Indyramp Music
There are slight variants of this text on other web pages, but this
appears to be the most official.
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
"jessie paints a picture" "trailer by the sea"
jessie kadison
"jessie paint your pictures" |