I have read previous answers regarding the total # of lives lost in
the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001, but what I need to know is not
necessarily HOW many people died, but roughly, WHERE were the people
located when they died. For those aboard the planes and at the
Pentagon, the answer is easy. Even for the civilians who worked in
the WTC, the answer can be extrapolated by assuming they died in the
tower where they worked. What I need to know is where certain rescue
personnel died -- in Tower 1 or Tower 2, or somewhere else, to the
extent this is knowable. For example, sources say 8 EMS workers died.
But where were they when they died? Same goes for firefighters,
police officers, etc. Even knowing where certain rescue personnel
were dispatched -- to which tower they were sent -- would be a great
help. The bottom line is that I have to assign each and every death
in the attacks to one of four places: Tower 1, Tower 2,Pentagon, or
Pennsylvania. Any help is greatly appreciated! |
Clarification of Question by
13 Sep 2002 07:30 PDT
Absolutely. To the extent it is known, or can be estimated, I need to
know as close to exactly as possible where each person was when he or
she died in the WTC attack. Like I said before, for the people in the
planes, including the flight that went down in Pennsylvania, and at
the Pentagon, that is easy enough. I do not need any info regarding
those deaths. Also, if a certain individual worked in Tower 1, it can
be assumed, for my purposes, that he or she died in Tower 1. So I
don't need any info on these people either. I do need info on all the
people in the grey areas that can't be so easily assigned. Like you
said, some of this may never be known. I just need as accurate
estimates as possible. That's why, for example, if a certain
firefighter company was dispatched to Tower 2, it would be useful to
know this because then his or her death could be assigned to Tower 2.
And, yes, if someone died in or near the Marriot, that would be useful
to know as well. Thank you!!!