Unfortunately, the answer is no.
Journalist-ga raised this possibility in his comment of 07 Aug 2002
13:54 PDT, but dismissed it "unless there is a strange mathematical
formula attached to the answer."
Puzzle Ordering of US States (very tough)
Google Answers
It seems that journalist-ga is right. The schedule of release dates
for the 50 statehood quarters, which matches the order that the states
were admitted to the Union, starts with Delaware. But after that, it
varies significantly from the order of the puzzle. For instance,
Georgia, which has the fourth statehood quarter, is not on the puzzle
list so far. (And no one has found any "mathematical formula" that
would make the order of the statehood quarters fit the order of the
puzzle list, though I'm sure some people have tried.)
"The 50 State Quarters Program: 10-Year Schedule"
The United States Mint
I wish that this were the answer; it would solve a challenging puzzle.
I hope that you and others out there keep trying to find the answer
-- I, and a lot of other people, would love to know what the answer
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
statehood quarters site:gov |