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Why is my computer running slowly?
Category: Computers > Operating Systems Asked by: 484572-ga List Price: $5.00 |
14 Sep 2002 22:11 PDT
Expires: 14 Oct 2002 22:11 PDT Question ID: 65175 |
Hi: My computer has been running very slowly and erratically lately (last week or two). This is a situation which I would obviously like to remedy. Specifically, it takes a long time for programs or new windows to launch, and the system is exceptionally unstable - it crashes repeatedly, especially (though not exclusively) when demanding programs, like Kazaa, are active. As far as possible causes, I downloaded a new version of the Java ("J2RE") software recently, and installed a driver for an HP combination printer-scanner-copier (PSC 950). I am a moderately heavy Kazaa user, but no changes in volume recently. Notably, some video downloaded from Kazaa refuses to be deleted (according to the error message, it is "being used by another person or program," even though no multimedia programs are active). I ran a Norton virus check, and defragmented my hard drive; to no avail. Windows Task Manager shows "Explorer.exe" taking up large amounts of RAM - 110-130 MB, at times, even when no Windows Explorer windows are open. I am puzzled; to clarify, I am looking for a solution to my computer's strange performance. Whichever response resolves this (within reason: e.g., no OS reinstall) will be considered the "answer." My system is a Compaq Presario 2700 notebook, 1 Ghz, 512 MB RAM, running Windows XP Home. Please ask for clarification, if neccesary; I will do my best to respond. Thanks. |
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Re: Why is my computer running slowly?
Answered By: shananigans-ga on 14 Sep 2002 23:04 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi 484572, Installing a new driver should make no difference to your computer's performance in the way you are suggesting. You say that Explorer.exe is taking up a ridiculous amount of RAM, and this is most likely what is causing your problem. When you are in Task Manager, simply select (i.e. click on) Explorer.exe and press the 'End Task' button. You might get a dialog box saying that the application is 'busy' or something similar (I am not running Windows any more, so I'm not sure of the exact wording) and that if you end the program data will be lost. Press 'End Task' again, as there is no data for you to lose. This should fix your problem. If it does not, and you can't see that any other program is using an abnormally large amount of RAM, check the system processes (this is another one of the tabs on Task Manager) and check how much processing power each of these is using - none of them should be using very much. If everything appears to be OK there, you may have to reinstall your OS, despite your reluctance to do so. Sometimes 'detoxing' your computer by formatting and reinstalling the OS is the only way to fix sluggish performance. If your fear comes from inexperience, XP (like other Windows versions) reinstalls via a Wizard, and none of the steps are anything you can't work out on your own. If yours is a new-ish notebook (as it appears to be) Windows will be able to auto-detect your hardware settings. The only thing I can see you getting confused on is which format you want your drive to be - choose NTFS rather than FAT32. Just make sure you save all your programs and files to a floppy disk or CD before you reinstall, and test whether the save has been sucessful - there's nothing worse than thinking you've got something saved and reinstaling an OS, only to find out that your save was a dud. If my first suggestion re: ending Explorer.exe and checking the tasks does not work (although from what you've said it seems like it will), please don't hesitate to provide more details of your system (what programs are installed, drivers etc.) and we'll see what else we can do for you. Hopefully a complete reinstall will not be necessary, but sometimes it's the only way. Best Wishes, shananigans-ga | |
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Re: Why is my computer running slowly?
From: coldfusion-ga on 15 Sep 2002 09:02 PDT |
If you end explorer.exe, you will see the Windows interface disappear - probably not what you had in mind. With that in mind, it can be helpful to end explorer if it is taking up large amounts of resources. At the same time remember that you have to go to file->new task (run..) on the task manager menu and then type in explorer. Explorer will then reload, hopefully taking up less memory. One thing that would be nice to clarify would be whether you checked to see if some processes are taking up large amounts of CPU time. This would help determine what's slowing down your system. I can no longer ask for clarification on this question though, as it is already taken. Thanks, Todd |
Re: Why is my computer running slowly?
From: deadlychiapet-ga on 15 Sep 2002 15:21 PDT |
It is possible to reinstall Windows over itself without losing your files, settings, etc...This works with XP Pro and it should work with the home version, but I can't guarantee it. If you reboot your laptop with your XP CD in the drive, you should be prompted to boot from it. If not you'll need to go into the bios and tell it to boot from CD before HDD. Once it loads and you get to the screen where you'd need to pick from setting up a new install of Windows and the Recovery Console, don't go into the console but pick the set up windows option. At the next screen it should detect your install of Windows and offer to repair it. Press R and you should be on your way! It might look like it's reinstalling, but really it's not. When it finishes all your settings will be there just the way you left them. Good luck! |
Re: Why is my computer running slowly?
From: missy-ga on 16 Sep 2002 07:20 PDT |
Isn't Kazaa a program supported by advertising? It may be that you've got spyware running about in your system - I had a similar problem several months ago, and solved it by running AdAware to clean things out: AdAware http://www.lavasoftusa.com/ It's free and very useful. Be prepared for surprises, though. The first time I ran the software, it discovered *32* ad components!! Cleaning them out really boosted performance, though. Once you've cleaned your system out, try a RAM utility. Even though you've closed a program, it may still be hanging around in your RAM, making your system crawl. I like FreeMem Professional to kick programs out: FreeMem by Plaxoft http://www.meikel.com/en/products/freemem/ It's free for 30 days for the Pro Edition (which is very useful and well worth the $20), or you can use the less functional, but still very useful, Standard Edition, which is permanantly free. --Missy |
Re: Why is my computer running slowly?
From: 484572-ga on 16 Sep 2002 19:06 PDT |
Hi: For the record, my CPU does become very active when I launch Kazaa or any Windows Explorer window - it jump from nearly inactive to pretty much 100%, and according to Windows Task Manager, Windows Explorer is taking up 99%. Again, I don't undersatnd why I can't delete one of the files downloaded from Kazaa (the error message says it is being used by another program, but the only window open is the Windows Explorer window I'm trying to delete it from). I don't think Kazaa is causing the trouble, because the problems persist even after Kazaa is shut down. I ran Ad-Aware, and detected no changes. I would suspect malicious spyware, but as I noted in the original question, I ran a virus scan which turned up nothing. As far as an "answer:" the problem seems to warrant more study than I originally anticipated when setting the price, so I will let the original answer stand. (Though I would love to be proven wrong: if the CPU usage or antything else provides the missing piece of the puzzle, I would be happy to PayPal the money anyone who posts a comment which solves the problem, if this is allowed under the Google terms of service.) |
Re: Why is my computer running slowly?
From: jebster-ga on 04 Dec 2002 02:13 PST |
I know this is quite old but I thought I'd give it a stab. First, Virus programs won't find spyware, just viruses! Also try booting in safe mode to delete the file you speak of. Is your virus definition list up-to-date? Also have you tried disabling this that start at start-up? If not go Start >> Run >> Type "Msconfig" and click the startup tab, then uncheck anything that is not needed. Go here to see what each of the thing in there are http://www.pacs-portal.co.uk/startup_pages/startup_full.htm And if posting to old questions is wrong, sorry, I read the TOS but not see anything about it! |
Re: Why is my computer running slowly?
From: markp-ga on 07 Jan 2003 16:50 PST |
I have a similar thing happening. I am runnin Kazaa 2.02, diet kaza 2.0, and XP home. see www.dietk.com - this is like kazaa lite, but better. there is no spyware / adware, it optimizes kazaa, downloads faster, very tweakable. This is somehow caused by Kazaa. and or diet kazaa. but i think kazaa. kazaa is taking up nearly 100% cpu. - bad kazaa uses around 20-30mb ram. that is normal. to answer your question: why cant you delete the file. - because you downloaded a corrput file, or it became corrupted while downloading due to a hiccup somewhere in the system / phone line / cable modem, sending computer, kazaa, etc. to fix this, try booting into safe mode, f8 at bootup, and del. that didnt work for me. next I will be trying to go into recovery console, and delete it. but you must first enable access to other directories than just the c:\windows that is the default for recovery console. "add power to recovery console" or something, is the microsoft article to search for - www.microsoft.com/support there is a gui way, if you run xp pro, and you need a reg hack for xp home. you can search internet, or someone can post it here. next - your explorer goes to 100% cpu, because you "clicked" on or "hovered" with your mouse over the corrupted file. this behavior is very repeatable. I have had this happen as well. -dont do that. make a note of which files are corrupted, and delete them, or dont "hover" over them with the mouse. I still dont have an answer why kazaa is pinning the cpu. I suspect there is a "bug" in their code that is sucking up my cpu. Kazaa makes some money on, or is planning to, sell your cpu time to companies for grid computing. harnessing your cpu, along with every other kazaa user's cpu, for some common purpose. They claim it will only slice off 10% of your cpu, but if their code was "flawed" accidentally of course, it could consume all your cpu. I have a AMD XP 1700 CPU. I have noticed that if I end kazaa, and then restart kazaa, it starts out normal, about 20-30% cpu, but after maybe 10 minutes, it eats it all up, and slows down my computer. I have even tried setting the thread, right click kazaa.exe in task manager, to a lower priority, but it doesnt work. My computer remains unusable while kazaa is running. I am also not overly using diet kazaa functions, dx accelerator settings - 15 seconds in between, wait 2 mins full cycle, and I have like 100 files qued. I would like to see a script to disconnect / stop kazaa after 10 minutes, and restart it. this would be a good band aid. |
Re: Why is my computer running slowly?
From: mysteryrain-ga on 21 Apr 2004 11:15 PDT |
Ok right now i can tell you the probelm is NOT exployer.exe. If you end this task you will lose Windows and will NOT be able to reload it without Rebooting your computer. Also when ending task you have to be careful because your computer and windows depend on some of those tasks and if you end them your computer could freeze causing you to have to reboot.Second Get rid of Kazaa and sownload a spyware protector (spysweeper or adaware free version. Next have you tried Scan disk or defragmanted your drive? |
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