This great old song is "Stuff Like That," which was originally
recorded in 1978 by Quincy Jones, with Ashford and Simpson.
Walked in the joint
They were lined up back to back
Anything you can name, no shame,
uhn, uh
An' stuff like that
Do it - do it
Do it - do it
What makes you feel like doin' stuff like that?
What makes you feel like doin' stuff like that?
Before my eyes
Was the promise of paradise
Is she real, can she feel
Is she a dream? If ya know what I mean
'Cause she was built out of
Stuff like that
Stuff...Like That (do it - do it) *4 x's
I knew I was captured
By the rhythm of the magic flute
Pulling and urging me
To taste the forbidden fruit
Tho' I felt naive
I did not want to leave
Fever was in the air
All of a sudden, I didn't care
No reason why, I just had to testify...
Leo's Lyrics: Stuff Like That
You can purchase this song, along with many other Quincy Jones
classics, on the album "Quincy Jones: Greatest Hits."
CDNow - Quincy Jones: Greatest Hits*QUINCY/ITEMID=367693
Here you can find more information about the song, in a reminiscence
by Quincy Jones himself:
Warner Brothers Records: Quincy Jones
My Google search strategy:
"stuff like that" + "ashford and simpson"
If anything in my answer needs explaining, or if a link is not
functional, please do not hesitate to ask for clarification.
Thanks for asking about a wonderful song!
Best wishes,
pinkfreud |