Below is all the info I've found, rolled into one rather disjointed
Here is a list of several devices which have the auto-reverse record
feature. The only one of these that I can personally vouch for is the
first one listed, the Panasonic RX-DS30, which I have owned since the
'80s. I recommend it highly, but could not find a used unit for sale
on the Web.
Panasonic RX-DS30 (I own this CD/cassette/radio boombox, as mentioned
earlier. It is great! I hope you can find one at auction some day.)
The units listed below are cassette decks (this means that they record
and play tapes, but have no amplifier and no speakers) which are
capable of auto-reverse recording:
Marantz PMD-500
Denon DRW-840
Technics RS-TR575, Technics RS-TR515
Nakamichi RX-202 (cassette deck that physically removes cassette and
turns it over!)
Sony TC-WR690, Sony TC-WE805S, Sony TC-WE475, Sony TC-WE675, Sony
I am certain that there are many other units that might meet your
needs. The problem, when looking for units that can record in
auto-reverse mode, is that the feature is often not prominently
advertised, so it's difficult to tell whether a given machine has this
feature or not. My Panasonic did not include the fact that it has
auto-reverse recording capability in its list of features on the box.
It just said "auto-reverse," which often means playback only. I
discovered that it could reverse while recording when I was making a
long tape, and when it reached the end of the A side, the machine made
a clunking noise and continued to record on the B side of the tape. I
later discovered that this feature can be selected or deselected with
a slide-switch on the front of the machine.
Here's an odd piece of equipment: the Reel-Talk RT-101 is an unusual
item that might suit your needs very nicely, but it is no longer
manufactured, and I could not find a used unit for you. I found some
(outdated) information on this interesting device, which was
specifically designed to tape lengthy radio talk shows:
"Is Art Bell keeping you up at night? Do you miss your favorite talk
radio shows while at work? Don't lose sleep and don't quit your job.
Instead buy the Reel-Talk RT-101 AM/FM talk show recorder. This
AM/FM radio features a special built-in longplay mono cassette
recorder (non-reversing). It uses standard cassette tapes, but
records and plays them at one quarter speed (.0469 inches per second).
You can therefore record up to 3 hours on each side of a 90 minute
cassette tape (or 2 hours on a C-60). Once you have programmed the
unit, it automatically turns on to record a program and turns off. If
you record the same show every day, the timer will operate every 24
hours so you won't need to reprogram the unit. Other refinements
include: digital readout, digital clock, 4 inch speaker, bass boost,
auto stop tape mechanism and built-in condenser mic. The tower design
6.25x12x6.25 inches (160x300x160 mm) fits anywhere. The unit operates
from 110 VAC 50-60 Hz or six D cells. Three AA cells are required for
memory backup."
Geocrawler Archives: 3-Hour Radio Recorder
My best lead in locating a suitable cassette recorder that is actually
available online came from the post below:
"aiwa xrm-150 - Recently I purchased an AIWA XR-M150 table top radio.
This radio has two important features, an auto-reverse record cassette
and a timer. It will come on and record a radio show on both sides of
a cassette. Another radio that does this is the Panasonic SC-PM11."
Radio Info: Some Comments on Radio Hardware
I could not find an AIWA XR-M150 for sale, but the Panasonic SC-PM11
can be bought for around $100 (refurbished.) If you decide to go with
this one, the best place I know to buy refurbs is J&R, linked below. I
have ordered numerous items from this site, and have been very pleased
with the service and the quality of the merchandise. The Panasonic
SC-PM11 is also available from Amazon (both new and used) and at Ebay.
I have included those links, too, for price comparison purposes.
J&R Music & Computer World: Panasonic SC-PM11 (Refurbished)
Amazon: Panasonic SC-PM11
Ebay: Panasonic SC-PM11
My Google search strategy consisted of various combinations of
"cassette," "auto reverse," "record," and "boombox." Ferreting out the
information involved jumping from link to link after the initial
Googling, so I can't tell you exactly what paths of investigation led
to which bits of data. I learned about some of the cassette decks
through email correspondence with a friend who owns an audio equipment
If anything I've said is unclear, or if any of the links do not
function, please request clarification. Thanks for being so
cooperative and informative during my search. It has been a pleasure
to conduct this hunt, and I hope what I've found is of use to you.
Best wishes,
pinkfreud |