Hello colevalley,
Thanks for your question!
There are several utility software packages to convert Quicktime .mov
or .qt files to .avi files as used by Windows Media Player.
One such is Rad Tools (FREE). A description of the process is
available here: http://www.jhepple.com/convert_apple_quicktime_to_avi.htm
The actual utility is available on this page:
http://www.radgametools.com/bnkdown.htm .
A good article on the process is available here:
http://www.synthetic-ap.com/tips/qt2avi.html .
In it, the author, Bob Currier notes:
"I've done a lot of QuickTime to AVI conversion, and have found three
Windows-based ways that work, and one Mac-based way that works in
certain circumstances. I've found the old Microsoft Mac tool to be
waaay more trouble than it is worth, even with all the patches
The conversion methods I've used are:
Adobe Premiere for Windows. Be sure to not re-compress the video in
the process, which Premiere will happily do by default. (NOTE by
clouseau: Expensive but excellent software)
If you get a copy of Nels Johnson's "How to Digitize Video" book (ISBN
0-471-01440-0), it comes with a CD-ROM which contains trmoov.exe, a PC
program which will convert between AVI and QT. The trmoov tool is also
available on the Download Recordings Web page.
Intel has a program, SmartVid, which will convert files without regard
to the codec used, unlike their old "Indeo-only" program. It can be
downloaded from the Intel Web page. Be sure to carefully follow the
instructions, as they don't make it easy to install.
The Mac-based solution is a tool from Horizons Technology and can be
purchased from their Web site. It requires a PowerPC processor, and is
currently not compatible with QuickTime 2.5, requiring that you save
movies with QuickTime 2.1 before conversion to AVI."
He notes that none of the solutions are "perfect" and some work better
than others. You can read the entire article above and click the
hyperlinks he references to the above mentioned tools.
One utility he claims good results with is trmoov.exe, available here
for download: http://www.downrecs.com/software.html
The author notes:
"TRMOOV is a Microsoft Windows 3.1/Windowos95 application for
converting back and forth between the QuickTime (for Windows) file
format and the Video for Windows (AVI) file format without
recompression. Neither Video for Windows nor QuickTime for Windows
need to be installed for TRMOOV to perform a conversion. Playback of
the converted movie, however, does require installation of the
appropriate software (either VfW or QTW). "
Many users seem very pleased with the results they have achieved with
this program.
I trust this will help you perform your conversions.
Best regards,
-=clouseau-ga=- |