Hello Camalia002,
There are a number of online sites that provide tutorials or schools
that include C language programming. They include:
WWW Online Tutorials (free)
Very brief, but free. It has "hello world" and a few other simple
An index of a variety of on line schools
These certainly cost more, but a few provide options for "not for
credit" courses. If the above URL doesn't work, start at the home page
and select Technology, then Computer Science, then Programming
Languages, then C and C++.
A search for phrases such as
online school c programming
provides several more resources.
The second part of your question is going to be easy or difficult
depending upon the site you are interested in. You may wish to use the
clarification request to have me check a specific site.
One of the utilities I have used previously is "nmap". Versions are
available for both Unix and Windows systems. A technique called
"finger printing" is described at
which describes various techniques to determine to operating system in
use. Please note that some sites have programmed their servers to
"lie", so you should take the results from this technique with a grain
of salt.
What specific tools such as the "shopping cart" or which software used
to implement SSL is likely going to be more difficult. A few
- the company [or a vendor] tells you in some material. Check the
pages you view for the name of the product used to run the shopping
cart. You can also try pages that describe the company, press
releases, or employment. For example, if they are hiring, they will
often list the products used as "required skills" for a new employee.
- the page source (e.g, view -> page source) of a web page generated
for the shopping cart will directly tell you.
- the page source of the shopping cart page will include common text
or javascript functions to implement the cart. You can get examples
from shopping cart vendors (they *will* use their own code) for
comparison. This is basically a similar process to finger printing
that is automated by nmap. I didn't find a tool to do this, but I'll
search more and add clarification if I find one.
- indirectly, you may be able to find out if the shopping cart
software is bundled as part of a web hosting service. As a clue, the
addresses used for some references will be different than that of the
vendor. If so, go to the web hosting site directly and see what
products they use (or use them yourself).
Note that a good site will not expose much information through these
methods. This is what can make this step very hard.
A few cautions:
- copying the "look and feel" of another site can subject you to
lawsuits. This could be due to use of patented processes (e.g., the
"one click" patent) or infringement of "trade dress". A site such
has some examples of trade dress listed.
- what works for one company may not work for yours. They may have
business processes that you may not use and make their solution be
unsuitable for you.
Do not hesitate to ask for more information for this question if you
need it.
--Maniac |