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Intermarriage amongst cousins in Wiltshire, England
Category: Health Asked by: nigel-ga List Price: $4.00 |
30 Apr 2002 03:43 PDT
Expires: 07 May 2002 03:43 PDT Question ID: 6658 |
Is it true that intermarriage amongst cousins in Wiltshire, England is thought to produce some strange human characteristics in the resulting offspring, especially deviant sexual behaviour, and is it also true that Tim Daw, a well known Wiltshire farmer is a prime example of these devaint practices? |
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Re: Intermarriage amongst cousins in Wiltshire, England
Answered By: grimace-ga on 30 Apr 2002 05:39 PDT Rated: ![]() |
The genetic ill-effects of intermarriage among cousins and other close relatives has been known for centuries. It happens everywhere, of course - and although it may perhaps be more common in relatively rural areas like the West Country, there is no evidence beyond the anecdotal to suggest that Wiltshire is especially plagued with inbreeding. Here's a page of cuttings from various newspaper articles about the subject of inbreeding: http://www.people.virginia.edu/~rjh9u/inbreed.html A useful table of kinship and degrees of consanguineity among blood relatives: http://churchtree.tripod.com/kinship.html A nice account of the genetic effects of intermarriage in the States: http://www.vineyard.net/vineyard/history/allen/Old_Diseases_p2.html As for Tim Daw - well, judging from your other questions, I presume you mean the COO of Netshift (http://www.netshift.com). I have found no particular evidence to suggest consanguineous marriages in his background. CEO Nigel Seed, on the other hand, has a very tangled family tree. Perhaps you know him. Hope this helps, grimace search terms used : intermarriage + cousins intermarriage + wiltshire "tim daw" + wiltshire | |
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Re: Intermarriage amongst cousins in Wiltshire, England
From: chiflado-ga on 30 Apr 2002 11:43 PDT |
Recent research suggests that marriage between cousins may not have any significant risks. See the article at www.usatoday.com/news/healthscience/science/2002-04-04-cousins.htm |
Re: Intermarriage amongst cousins in Wiltshire, England
From: mvguy-ga on 01 May 2002 08:56 PDT |
If you're interested in issues surrounding the marriage of cousins, this site may have more than you want to know from the perspective of those who support such a practice. http://www.cousincouples.com/index.shtml |
Re: Intermarriage amongst cousins in Wiltshire, England
From: me-ga on 01 May 2002 10:43 PDT |
Worldwide, marriage between two healthy cousins is healthy, but if one of them is unhealthy then it's unhealthy. |
Re: Intermarriage amongst cousins in Wiltshire, England
From: elizabeth199-ga on 14 Jun 2002 11:55 PDT |
The initial advice that you received on your question is somewhat misleading. Although the increased risk to children of married first cousins is slightly higher than that to children of non-cousin parents, recent studies have stressed that the risks are minimal. The lead author of the most recent study relating to the effects of first-cousin marriage on offspring is Dr. Arno Motulsky, who is the prof. emeritus of medicine and genome scientists at UW. You can find information about this study at http://www.washington.edu/newsroom/news/2002archive/04-02archive/k040302a.html. Further, you can find a book on both the cultural and health issues that surround cousin marriage at www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0252065409/qid=1024079791/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/104-9233022-8407963. The book is titled Forbidden Cousin Marriage: The American Myth of Cousin Marriage. Also, the comment posted by me-ga on May 1 is incorrect. Two perfectly healthy people (including cousins) can have children that are unhealthy because of a genetic trait that is present in both partners, but not expressed (it is recessive, not dominant). Also, between two people, including cousins, if one person is healthy and the other has a disorder resulting from a genetic problem or defect, then there is an increased risk of passing this disorder onto the children. However, this is not unique to cousins and depends on what sort of disorder the person has. |
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