Hi - quick disclaimer, the information provided herein is meant solely
for informational purposes and does not substitute for the opinion of
a licenced healthcare professional.
Congestive heart failure is a condition in which the heart can no
longer pump blood efficiently throughout the body. Due to the
inability of the heart to adequately pump blood, blood backs-up into
the venous system (the veins of the body where blood is returning from
the body to the heart). The blood which backs-up causes "congestion"
in these organs. This congestion is manifest by peripheral edema
(limb swelling, usually in the legs), pulmonary edema (fluid in the
lungs, causes coughing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath),
congestive hepatomegaly (liver damage due to backed-up blood in the
liver), and jugular venous distention (swelling of the neck veins due
to excess blood).
In a recent study last year published in the New England Journal of
Medecine (a well respected medical journal), it was reported that
jugular venous distention is an independent risk factor for poor
outcomes in patients with CHF - basically this means that having JVD
indicates a poor state of the patient's heart regardless of which
other symptoms are found. An explanation of this article can be
the abstract of the article:
and the article itself (although it is not free):
Tests which should be done for a patient with CHF:
Blood tests - tests can be done on cardiac enzymes (can help
demonstrate if a recent heart attack is causing or worsening the
symptoms of CHF) and liver enzymes (to examine for liver damage due to
congestive failure). An arterial blood gas (ABG) can be drawn to
examine how well the lungs are putting oxygen into the blood (as heart
failure worsens, the lungs become full of fluid and cannot put oxygen
into the blood very well).
Chest X-ray - as the heart fails it gets bigger (or distends) - these
changes can be seen by looking at the heart on an x-ray. An x-ray can
also examine for pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs).
Echocardiography (an "echo" or "cardiac echo") - this is an ultrasound
examination of the heart which can measure its size and ability to
pump blood (the size goes up and the ability to pump decreases with
heart failure).
Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) - this is a test of the electrical
system of the heart which allows it to beat - as the heart fails and
enlarges, the electrical system is altered which can be detected by
changes in the measurement of the heart's electrical activity (the
A good, approachable page on heart failure from CHFpatients.com,
titled "The Manual" - this site also contains many other useful links
to information on CHF
A good page from WebMD.com on the physical exam which a doctor will
perform and what it can indicate (mentions JVD as "swelling of the
neck veins"):
Another nice page from WebMD.com on heart failure (does not
specifically mention JVD):
Two good pages on heart failure, mainly intended for doctors from
Another nice page meant for doctors:
synarchy |