Dear crom654-ga
Thank you for your estate tax question.
Since tax issues are very complicated I
would strongly recommend that you contact
a professional to assist you with your taxes.
My research has provided me with some information that
might shed some light on this subject.
In short the state Of Maryland imposes estate taxes on
properties starting at $750,000 and up. In Virginia the
limit as of January 1, 2002 begins at $700,000 and up.
For federal Income taxes, depending on your particular circumstances,
you will need to read the form 706 or may also need form 709 and
950 to help with regards to federal income taxes and the IRS.It
that for the year 2001 amounts below $675,000 are exempt from federal
taxes and in 2002 that amount increases to $1,000,000.
So for an estate of less than $20,000 you should not owe any state or
income or estate taxes.
You may call the IRS at: 1-800-829-3676 to order these
publications or use the links below to download from them
from the Internet.
If you are the executor of your granmother's estate then
in Maryland the will of a resident is handled through the
register of wills and the paperwork is processed at the
county or city level.
As a non-resident you will need to approach the local court house
and bring your grandmothers last bank statement along with a
copy of the will, the death certificate and funeral expenses
account along with someone you will be appointing as your in state
The state of Maryland (MD) requires that you appoint a MD resident
as Agent n Residence to enable the local authorities to contact you
if the need arises. You can still complete all the necessary paperwork
State of Maryland Estate Tax table:
State of Virginia Estate Tax table:
Register of Wills state of Maryland:
Register of Wills Downloadable Forms:
IRS Ruling on Estate taxes and tax table:
IRS publication 950 in PDF format:
IRS Estate form 706
List of various 706 forms:
Additional useful information about estate taxes:
Thirty-five of the 50 states currently have an estate tax that equals
the amount of the state credit, with there being no other state estate
or inheritance tax.
In these states, the state law refers specifically to the amount
allowed as a credit against the federal estate tax. This is commonly
referred to as a "pickup" tax. A pickup tax provides revenue to the
state but does not increase the federal estate tax payment the heirs
must make. Instead, the estate's federal estate tax liability is
reduced by the amount of the state tax payment. Some 15 states also
have their own inheritance or estate taxes, a portion of which
qualifies as a pickup tax.
In all of these 15 states, the state laws specify that if the amount
of the state tax is less than the credit allowed against federal
taxes, the state tax be increased to the amount of the credit. In
cases where the state liability is greater than the credit, federal
estate taxpayers receive a credit for the portion of their state tax
that equals the maximum allowable credit.
From Inheritance Tax rates:
For Additional information please see:
State of Virginia Department Estate Taxation:
State of Virginia Department of Taxation Home page:
State of Maryland Estate Tax section:
State of Maryland taxation Department Home Page:
I hope I have been able to provide you with some useful information
and contact me if you require further clarification(s)
All the best
Seeker |