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how to find email addresses of business executives?
Category: Business and Money Asked by: harshal_maniar-ga List Price: $4.00 |
30 Apr 2002 09:02 PDT
Expires: 07 May 2002 09:02 PDT Question ID: 6693 |
i have a list of companies and names of their top executives. how do i find these executives' email addresses? i am looking for someone to take the list from me and give back the email addresses. |
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Re: how to find email addresses of business executives?
Answered By: katwoman-ga on 30 Apr 2002 11:50 PDT |
Hi harshal_maniar, Because there are no online executive email directories and I don't know how many executives you want to email, what you're looking for may be somewhat difficult depending which executives you want to find out about. There are companies that will take your list and provide you with such a service for a fee, and I'll talk about that more below. Here are other approaches that you might want to take to find the information you're seeking: 1) Visit company websites Many executives have their email address listed on the site. For example, Sharper Image's CEO, Richard Thalheimer, encourages customers to send him feedback. http://www.sharperimage.com/us/en/letterfromchair.jhtml I can't really attest to whether or not all of the executives actually *read* what you send them, but I did email Thalheimer at the address listed on that page and I received a response the same day. 2) Guess the address This site has a great primer on how to find the email address for those with corporate accounts: http://www.webfoot.com/advice/FindingEmailAddresses.html (Scroll down to "Guessing Strategies) Here's the condensed version of what's on that site: - Find the company domain name - Try these combinations of addresses and see which ones work: firstname.lastname@domainname firstname_lastname@domainname last (family) name @domainname first (given) name plus last initial @domainname first initial plus last name @domainname last name plus first initial @domainname 3) Try directories There are lots of email directories on the Web, although I searched for Michael Eisner on several of the major sites and didn't come up with what I'd call satisfactory results. (Michael@disney.com, eisner@disney.com and big-cheese@disney.com came up as results on Internet Address Finder, but I can't verify that any of those are correct, especially since a celebrity address site lists yet another email address for him...) http://www.iaf.net/searchresults.htm http://www.mailhollywood.com/letters/e/e.htm This site gives a fairly good list of sites to search: http://guide.darwinmag.com/reference/lookup/email/ and this site lets you search several email directories and reverse directories from one page: http://www.freeality.com/findet.htm You can also try these category lists for more sites to search: Yahoo! - Individual Email Addresses http://dir.yahoo.com/Reference/Phone_Numbers_and_Addresses/Email_Addresses/Individuals/ Yahoo! - B2B Investigative Services http://dir.yahoo.com/Business_and_Economy/Business_to_Business/Investigative_Services/ 4) Buy the data Depending on the size of your list, trying to track down addresses one by one may be more time consuming than it's worth. You can try marketing services that sell database information such as Zapdata, which allows you to create a customized list based on the information you're seeking. Prices start at $500 for customized reports; however, you should confirm that they'd give you the address of the executives you're looking for rather than just a general company email address. https://zapleads.zapdata.com/ Here's where you can find a list of other companies that offer a similar service: http://directory.google.com/Top/Business/Opportunities/Inventions/Services/Marketing/ Google search terms used: ://www.google.com/search?q=executive+email+address executive email address email address directory ://www.google.com/search?q=email+address+directory email address Michael Eisner ://www.google.com/search?q=email+address+Michael+Eisner Yahoo! search terms used: finding business email address http://google.yahoo.com/bin/query?p=finding+business+email+address&hc=0&hs=0 reverse directory email address http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=reverse+directory+email+address |
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Re: how to find email addresses of business executives?
From: redorcus-ga on 30 Apr 2002 12:09 PDT |
A popular site for that kind of info is www.hoovers.com. To take the list from you and give you addresses you could contact hoovers, or buy subscription and have somoone write you a "webbot" that does it. |
Re: how to find email addresses of business executives?
From: katwoman-ga on 30 Apr 2002 15:44 PDT |
I've checked out the profile information that Hoover's offers with a paid subscription. Although it does list names and biographical information for company officers, it doesn't specifically say that they also provide email addresses. http://www.hoovers.com/hoov/join/sample_officers.html You'll have to contact them to find out if that information is included in a subscription. You can call Hoover's at 1-888-310-6087 or email them from here: http://www.hoovers.com/hoov/join/freedemo.html There are three subscription plans to choose from. The "Hoover's Lite" subscription is $49.95 a month or $399 annually. |
Re: how to find email addresses of business executives?
From: jriles11-ga on 30 Apr 2002 19:54 PDT |
If you are guessing at the address based on a standard formula (like first initial, last name@company.com), try doing a Google search for it. This will sometimes turn up some verification that you guesssed correctly. |
Re: how to find email addresses of business executives?
From: partneringagreements-ga on 02 May 2002 13:33 PDT |
I have used a database from Career Search but it's rather expensive. You might want to try American Business Directories 1-888/260-7938 They have a similar database you can purchase on CD for $1000 or use on their website in smaller increments. (I don't have their web site but the above should be enough info to search it out) You're just plain not likely to find any other source than these two with this kind of info (and American Business Directories may not even have it... I have yet to use it) Even in the case of Career Search the availability of this information in their database is spotty at best. Please let me know if you find anything better. By the way I have an electronic newsletter that goes out to 6000+ US CEOs. Maybe you could place a small ad in the newsletter and get them to contact you. What are you hoping to pitch them? cpart@partneringagreements.com |
Re: how to find email addresses of business executives?
From: seanj-ga on 04 Jun 2002 14:54 PDT |
To simply outsource researching the email addresses, you could post the project on Elance.com. This site has processed hundreds of thousands of such business requests over the past few years. Likely you will receive bids from 10+ individuals with great qualifications and relevant experience. |
Re: how to find email addresses of business executives?
From: tbca-ga on 01 Jun 2004 22:47 PDT |
You can try http://www.lead411.com. They provide email addresses of executives. |
Re: how to find email addresses of business executives?
From: futurenet-ga on 28 Oct 2004 08:24 PDT |
Visit www.theFutureNet.ca as they have a many different Executive Contact databases of US and Global Executives email addresses as well as full contact information. The costs are really fair as well and they have complete descriptions of their different Executive Contact Databases on their home page. |
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