Thank you nhpl:
The National Climate Data Center keeps archives of hourly
precipitation records for the U.S.
I was able to find a listing of all the weather stations for West Palm
Beach at this page:
You will notice that the closest weather station to you that has data
available online for the period in which you are interested is the
West Palm Beach International Airport. More information about that
weather station can be found at:
In the "Data Inventories" section, I was able to get to the following
Date Selector:
If you select "Use Selected Dates", choose the year, month, and date,
and then click the "Continue" button, you'll be taken to your request
summary. Check that everything is OK, then click the "Add to Shopping
Cart" button. After that, you just proceed through the check-out and
the data will be made available to you.
I hope that this allows you to get the information you need. Please
let me know if you need any clarifications, before you rate this
Search Strategy:
us weather records
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