Hello industry,
And thanks for your question.
This is not a service that the post office can provide for you. It may
require that you purchase a bulk mailing permit from the post office,
perhaps, but many times, a Direct Mail service provider can even
supply this for you.
You will need to design a direct mail piece, print it with a bulk
mailing permit indicia printed on the piece (noting the permit number
for payment of the direct mail pieces), rent a mailing list, label,
sort and bulk mail. There are many companies that can provide ALL of
these services for you as well as assist you in determining the best
zip codes or other demographics to tailor your marketing campaign.
I searched Super Pages Yellow Pages listings for Direct Mail in West
Chester, PA and found a list at
. I reviewed several of my finds and was impressed with the web page
and services offered by :
Spencer Graphics Inc
West Chester, PA 19382
(610) 793-3533
They offer a wide range of services and seem to definitely be worth
consideration for your project.
Other listings that appear to be appropraite and worth contacting are:
Burgess Direct Marketing
320 Box Elder Drive, West Chester, PA 19380
(610) 692-2297
M R Direct Mailing Inc
711 East Union Street, West Chester, PA 19382
(610) 431-4393
Prestige Mailing Services Inc
102 Willowbrook Lane, West Chester, PA 19382
(610) 431-1237
For other choices, please visit the list mentioned above.
I trust this will lead you to a direct mail service bureau that will
accomplish your marketing needs.
Best regards,
-=clouseau-ga=- |