Hi again boobee,
OK, lets start with definitions for these two terms:
Null Hypothesis - the statement tentatively assumed true in the
hypothesis testing procedure
Alternative Hypothesis - the statement concluded to be true if the
null hypothesis is rejected
**It is VERY important to note that the null hypothesis and
alternative hypothesis are mutually exclusive and completely
exhaustive. In other words, it is not possible for both to be true,
and it is not possible for both to be false.
There are three generally used types of hypotheses:
In this case, the alternative hypothesis is stating what the research
is trying to conclude. THe null hypothesis is the opposite of the
alternative hypothesis.
In this case, the null hypothesis equals the claim being made, and the
alternative hypothesis is the opposite the the nll hypothesis. We
originally assume that all claims being made are true and then try to
test to see if they are or not.
The null hypothesis is the condition corresponding to a "yes"
condition, and the alternative hyposthesis is the condition
corresponding to a "no" condition. We originally assume that the
decision should be yes, and then use the test to see if this is
correct or not.
Applying the above to your question, we can see that we are using
hypothesis testing to measure the validity of the claim. The claim
"85% of the patients that complete their program do not drink or use
drugs in
a one-year period after completion"
Since we assume all claims are true to begin with, our null hypothesis
"85% or more of the patients that complete their program do not drink
or use drugs in a one-year period after completion"
Then, since we know that the two hypotheses must be mutually exclusive
and collectively exhaustive, it follows that the alternative
hypothesis states:
"Less than 85% of the patients that complete their program do not
drink or use drugs in a one-year period after completion"
Hope that helps....let me know if you have any problem understanding
the information above.
answerguru-ga |