prehistoric fish images
Category: Science > Biology Asked by: gaspiglione-ga List Price: $5.00 |
23 Sep 2002 10:09 PDT
Expires: 23 Oct 2002 10:09 PDT Question ID: 68095 |
Hello Could you direct me to website(s) that have lots of prehistoric fish images ??? Sincerely, Dave Lowman |
Re: prehistoric fish images
Answered By: knowledge_seeker-ga on 23 Sep 2002 11:32 PDT Rated: |
Hi gaspiglione-ga, Ok it looks like the only way to do this is the brute force method. I was hoping for some online directory that had one BIG chart with many fish. (Boy, would that have saved time!) But no. Instead I found that there are many sites, each with just one picture. So here you go a list of 2 dozen websites, each with a picture or two. The good news is that some of the pictures are posters showing more than one type of fish. WILLIAM STOUT ARTIST - http://www.williamstout.com/generic/prehistoric/fish/Fish.html# DINOSAURS TIMELINE GALLERY http://www.prehistory.com/xanacant.htm http://www.prehistory.com/ichtyosa.htm http://www.prehistory.com/ordovic.htm TAYLOR STUDIOS Devonian Fish - Ptycodus ferox http://www.auth.gr/virtualschool/1.3/youngs/Prehistoric/evolutionoflife/Fish_Pteraspis2.gif Cephlapod http://www.taylorstudios.com/models/cephlapod.htm HESKENS FOSSILS Prehistoric fish fossils and some artists renditions of fish http://www.henskensfossils.nl/fish.htm UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Devonian Period http://www.uky.edu/KGS/coal/webfossl/pages/devonian.htm BIOLOGY102 ONLINE http://www.bio102.net/online01/fish_files/image030.gif NATURE.CA Lobe finned fishes http://www.nature.ca/notebooks/english/lobefish.htm UNIVERSITY OF UTAH http://www.uta.edu/paleomap/homepage/Schieberweb/images/general/dunkleosteus.jpg MONASH UNIVERSITY Slide Lecture 9 - #10 - Devonian http://www.earth.monash.edu.au/ESC2032/LECTURES/Lec9/L9s10.htm UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Life through the Ages diorama - Devonian http://seaborg.nmu.edu/earth/devonian/dev11b.html DEVONIAN FISH http://www.mysteryghostbus.co.za/Devonian%20Fish.jpg FRONTIER NET PRIMITIVE FISH MODELS http://www.frontiernet.net/~gartland/page6.html http://www.frontiernet.net/~gartland/page11.html SEABORG NMU SILURIAN FISH Birkenia http://seaborg.nmu.edu/earth/silurian/sil02b.html DISCOVERY CHANNEL Cladoselache and Dunkleosteus http://www.discovery.com/exp/prehistoricsharks/dispatch1image3.html GEORGIA PERIMETER COLLEGE The Devonian Period http://www.dc.peachnet.edu/~pgore/myphotos/denver/dunkle2.gif http://www.gpc.peachnet.edu/~pgore/geology/geo102/devonian.htm THE DEVONIAN TIMES More about Placoderms http://www.mdgekko.com/devonian/who/pages/placoderm.html Red Hill Groenlandaspids (placoderms) http://www.mdgekko.com/devonian/who/pages/groenlandapsis.html NEARCTICA Placoderm http://www.nearctica.com/nathist/chordata/placo.gif Ostracoderm http://www.nearctica.com/nathist/chordata/ostrac.gif EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY OF THE STURGEON Ostracoderm http://www.mysterynet.mb.ca/sturgeon/ostracoderm.GIF Xenacanthus http://www.toyen.uio.no/palmus/galleri/montre/x508.jpg http://www.toyen.uio.no/palmus/galleri/montre/english/chondrichthyans_liste_e.htm REEF QUEST Xenacanthus http://www.reefquest.com/evolution/evol_image/xenacanthus.gif That should give you a good start. Now what Ill do here is give you my search strategy which you can follow up on and do your own specific searches. First, I used Google Image Search: ://www.google.ca/imghp?q=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&meta= For my search terms I started broadly then focused more finely as I progressed: prehistoric fish Palaeozoic fish Devonian fish Silurian fish Placoderm Ostracoderm Xenacanthus I only selected the better-looking pictures for you. You may want to repeat the searches and scan the images to see if anything else appeals to you. Also, if you have specific fish you are looking for, use its name as your search term. Thanks for sending me on such an interesting search. I saved one of those fabulous dunkleosteus pictures to my desktop. The fish is great .. plus what a fabulous name dunkleosteus! Im certainly going to have to try to use that in a sentence today! -K~ |
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