I've had a good trawl around, and this site is the best one around for
a downloadable list of all Region 1 (ie US) theatrical release DVDs
It advertises itself as "The Web's Most COMPLETE, Updated Daily
and ONLY Downloadable list of region 1 DVDs"
The full list currently has 21,579 Titles, and 215 have been added
this week alone. New titles are added daily or when the web master get
the announcements from the studio. It's a busy site, with over 1/2
million visitors so far.
The list is ZIPed and placed in the download area several times a week
so to keep your list updated you should keep checking back regularly.
This list represents only titles officially announced and those
confirmed by the studios
He also includes search facilities on the list before downloading to
allow downloads of just relevant parts of the list.
I found this site while doing your answer, but I've already spent a
while playing with it for my own purposes, so thank you for asking the
question :)
Another site, with no master list, but a good searchable database
If you're at all interested, this site has a full database of region 2
Search Strategy
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22all+Region+1+DVD%22+master+list |