The service that you are looking for is Infotrieve
According to blurb on the company's site:
"Combining high responsiveness with cost efficiency, the extensive
Infotrieve network provides access to the world's largest library of
journal content... Vast information and journalistic resources are
available with varied choices in distribution, namely aggregated
electronic and paper delivery, a distinct advantage over paper-only
"Virtual Library seamlessly combines research, document search and
retrieval, and cataloging. Operating as the first free-to-search,
pay-per-article system, Virtual Library is designed to deliver
significant time and cost benefits to consumers, without requiring a
" Article Finder: Infotrieve's free-to-search proprietary
bibliographic database containing over 22 million citations and over
10 million abstracts from more than 35,000 of the most important
scholarly journals from fields such as medicine, biotechnology,
science, engineering, and law."
" E-journal collection: This fast growing collection is available on a
pay-per-article basis and is expected to reach several thousand
journals in 2001
Table of Contents Alert Service :An active search feature that e-mails
the table of contents of selected journals to customers when a new
issue is released, allowing the customer to browse the article topics
and order only desired pieces."
For each article, you pay a $12 service fee ($14 outside USA, Mexico
and Canada) plus copyright fees, which vary with the journal. You can
pay for single articles by credit card, or, alternatively, you can
open a deposit (minimum deposit is $500).
I knew of Infotrieve already, so did not need to search. The
operative phrase for a search is "document delivery". Searching
Google on this phrase, I found lists of many other document delivery
services at Not all the links provided there
are valid. However, you may wish to look at some of these other
providers, although to my knowledge Infotrieve is supposed to be the
leading service in this area that is available to individuals as well
as to libraries. |