Hello didi50 and thank you for the question.
Q.Who is more likely to purchase a book men or women?
A. Women (see below)
According to a Gallup Poll, we're talking a $24 billion dollar
industry. Women read more than men and women buy more books than men.
These conclusions support the theory that the concerns of women's
lives are very important in today's literature.
Women buy more books than men and the publishing world is falling
over itself to sell them what's become known as chick-lit.
"People have realized that it's good to publish stories on gender and
sexual roles because women want to read them - and women buy more
books than men," Kudlick said. In other words, if you want to sell
books you can't alienate the girls.
Publishers listen to women. Because they buy more books than men.
Search strategy:
" buy more books than"
*There was NO evidence suggesting that men bought more books than
women *
Q. Who is more likely to" "buy a cup of gourmet coffee men or
A Men (see below)
arabica.com "coffee and tea gourmet world"
"On average, men drink more coffee than women.
37% of coffee drinkers drink their coffee black; the others add sugar.
57% of coffee is drunk at breakfast; 34% between meals and 13% at
other meals."
"On average, men drink more coffee than women (1.7 cups per day vs 1.5
"More than 20 million American adults drink gourmet coffee beverages
daily. Although men on average drink more coffee than women (1.9 cups
versus 1.4 cups daily), a higher percentage of women mention the
social benefits and consider drinking coffee a way to relax."
Search strategy:
"drink more coffee than" women men
*There was NO evidence suggesting that women bought more coffee than
men *
Q. Who is more likely to make a cash contribution to a charity
A Women (see below)
A common myth is that men give more to charity than women, but the
poll suggests that most Americans do not agree. Of the poll
respondents, 55% disagreed with the statement that "Men give more
money to charity than women" and that 24% agreed. However, a recent
National Science Foundation study showed that women, on average,
donate twice as much as men.(Eckel, Catherine C. and Philip J.
Grossman. Forthcoming. "Are Women Less Selfish than Men?: Evidence
from the Dictator Experiments" Economic Journal
(UK organization)
Research by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)
shows that last year women gave over £400 million more to charity than
men did. In 2000 the average 'female' donation to charity was £12.30
per month while the average 'male' donation was almost £1.00 less.
Interestingly, women give more to charity than men, while earning
Women are seen as influential in philanthropy. Only 24% of those
surveyed thought men gave more to charity than women did.
Both men and women believe that helping to address an issue is the
most compelling reason to give money. Women are more likely to
identify children as a priority for their giving. Men are more likely
to identify their churches. Geography makes a difference. The East
showed more concern for the poor and health related issues. The South
and the West focused on children and the West showed the greatest
interest in church-related charities.
**There was one piece of research that stated that in 1999 men gave
more to charity than women (in the UK)**
"Although over the years more women have given to charity than men,
and their average donation was higher, in 1999 men gave more to
charity than women. This was due to men giving more through
traditional male methods of giving such as collections at work or in
the pub, as well as in door-to-door and street collections. Their
participation rate did not change"
Search strategy:
"more to charity than"
To find out more about the buying habits of men and women try this
Google search:
"buying habits" women men
Thank you for the question, and if you need any clarification of my
answer do not hesitate to ask.
Best regards
THX1138 |