Hi watson,
Good day and thank you for the question. There are a number of NPOs
that deal with population control and aids awareness worldwide, but
only a handful of them spend more than $5 million a year. Some of them
being :
UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fun) requires no introduction. This
organization is perhaps the most prolific of all. Although exact
figures regarding the amount of money spent on AIDS & Population
Control research is not available, estimates put it at over $100
million a year
The Joint UN Programme on AIDS
As the main advocate for global action on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS leads,
strengthens and supports an expanded response aimed at preventing the
transmission of HIV, providing care and support, reducing the
vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV/AIDS, and
alleviating the impact of the epidemic. With an annual budget of US$
60 million and a staff of 129 professionals, UNAIDS is a modest-sized
programme with a substantial impact. The UNAIDS Secretariat operates
as a catalyst and coordinator of action on AIDS, rather than as a
direct funding or implementing agency.
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
This foundation is one of the world's leading organizations dedicated
to identifying, funding and conducting pediatric AIDS/HIV research
worldwide. This organization spent more than $85 million in the last
decade, an average of $8.5 million a year. Through stimulating and
catalyzing collaborative and focused scientific research, and by
better understanding how diseases are interconnected, the Foundation
improves the health and lives of children around the world. The
Foundation takes a leadership role in establishing a national
pediatric research agenda, as well as promoting global education,
awareness and compassion about HIV/AIDS in children.
IAVI - International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
A scientific organization working to ensure the development of safe,
effective, accessible, preventive HIV vaccines for use throughout the
world. The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative is a global
organization working to speed the development and distribution of
preventive AIDS vaccinesthe worlds best hope for ending the AIDS
epidemic. IAVIs work focuses on four areas: mobilizing support
through advocacy and education; accelerating scientific progress;
encouraging industrial participation in AIDS vaccine development; and
assuring global access.
Association François-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB)
A foundation dedicated to international humanitarian action,
especially regarding HIV and children. Through the François-Xavier
Bagnoud International Pediatric HIV Training Program at the University
of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) in Newark, the
Association has imparted knowledge and affordable therapies about
pediatric AIDS to more than 100 health care workers in two dozen
countries who are faced with the reality that 1000 babies are born
every day with HIV.
Global Health Council
This program serves a unique international network of organizations by
educating and providing advocacy on issues that touch the populations
affected by HIV/AIDS. The Fund has awarded a total of US$378 million
over two years to 40 programmes in 31 countries, a significant
increase in international spending to combat the diseases (AIDS, TB &
AIDS Action - http://www.aidsaction.org/
An advocacy group dedicated to responsible federal policy on AIDS.
Provides a network for over 3000 community-based organizations. AIDS
Action has elevated global AIDS issues to the national stage, securing
increased funding to combat the expanding worldwide epidemic.
Population Control ::
United Nations Population Fund
UNFPA extends assistance to developing countries, countries with
economies in transition and other countries at their request to help
them address reproductive health and population issues, and raises
awareness of these issues in all countries. About a quarter of all
population assistance from donor nations to developing countries is
channeled through UNFPA, which works with many government, NGO and UN
The Population Institute - http://www.populationinstitute.org/
Provides essential leadership in creating national and international
awareness of the social, economic and environmental implications of
rapid population growth. Is an international, educational, non-profit
organization that seeks to reduce excessive population growth.
Established in 1969, the Institute, with members in 172 countries is
headquartered on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.
The Population Council - http://www.popcouncil.org/
Organization seeking to improve the well being and reproductive health
of current and future generations around the world, and to help
achieve a humane, equitable and sustainable balance between people and
resources. The Population Council is global. The Council's
headquarters and Center for Biomedical Research (CBR) are both located
in New York Citythe headquarters within walking distance of the
United Nations building and CBR on the campus of the Rockefeller
University. The Council also has an office in Washington, DC, which
manages global programs to improve reproductive health and prevent the
spread of sexually transmitted infections. Half of the staff of nearly
600 people is based in developing countries. The Council has five
regional offices, 19 country offices, and does work in 50+ countries.
The Council's 2000 expenditures were US$70.9million, representing a
6.3 percent increase over 1999.
Population Action International
PAI is dedicated to advancing policies and programs that slow
population growth in order to enhance the quality of life for all
people. Population Action International (PAI) is an independent policy
advocacy group working to strengthen public awareness and political
and financial support worldwide for population programs grounded in
individual rights. Founded in 1965, PAI is a private, non-profit group
and accepts no government funds.
This should answer your question. In case you have any clarifications
to make, then please don't hesitate to ask.
Have a good day and thank you for using this service.
Warm Regards,
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AIDS non profit organizations
Population control non profit organizations
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