Both Google and the Open Project Directory provide a number of list
brokers who cover broad -- or vertical market areas. The mainstream
brokers break their lists into mailing addresses; telephone lists; fax
lists; and today often e-mail lists as well. Most of the list brokers
have the ability to offer additional sorts (often for a fee) so that
you can focus on corporate attorneys with public companies in the
Fortune 100, Fortune 500, Russell 5000 -- or on lawyers working for
all public and private companies.
With each of the database companies, you'll want to specify
address/phone/fax/e-mail contact information.
1. is a Dun & Bradstreet company that provides mailing
lists. To see all of the details, you'll need to register (no charge)
but they break their legal lists into more than 60 categories. The
ones that will interest you the most will be:
corporate counsel (D&B): 17,944 names
corporate counsel (HDML): 2,780
corporate counsel (high tech): 5,141
Zapdata uses Dun & Bradstreet's reports to assemble the D&B lists;
they also provide lists from Hugo Dunhill Mailing Lists (HDML), a
company that's used professional associations to assemble lists of
lawyers since 1937.
You'll navigate your way through the Zapdata service by using:
Prospect Lists/Job Functions/Legal/Lawyer, Judges & related/Lawyers.
Lists are also selectable by company size -- allowing you to select
precise size.
2. uses the Acxion InfoBase. This database of business
and residential information is widely used -- and even available
on-line at many public libraries. (My library has it -- but doesn't
have the ability to search by "job title.") When using the USAData
website, you'll want to select "List Types" and then you'll see
Business/Job Titles -- allowing you to pick public/private companies
and job titles (such as VP Legal, corporate attorney, general
3. ActOne lists come from a variety of subscription, professional
organization, SEC and credit reporting sources. They are broken down
into separate lists for mail, e-mail phone and fax. The corporate
counsel list has these breakdowns:
Companies: 27,306
Non-profit: 2,289
Headquarters: 22,051
Branch: 7,574
Head counsels: 8, 146
and practice specialties (antitrust, tax, patent, etc.)
They are accessible at the company's home page:
3. Informadata compiles lists of attorneys within North America -- and
worldwide. A UK company, it has a U.S. operation as well. IT allows
selection of lawyers by company size, allowing you to focus on
corporate lawyers from a database of 237,00 attorneys -- of which
15,000 are in North American:
The home page is:
A final resource for list brokers is the Open Project Directory, which
has dozens of list brokers and their specialties available with web
links. The Open Project Directory ( search for:
"mailing lists"
will get you specifically to Business/Marketing and Advertising/Direct
Marketing/Mailing Lists:
Note that the U.S. Postal Service has a National Change of Address
(NCOA) masterfile that is used to clean up mailings lists; this
process is just starting for e-mail addresses, which change even more
often than mailing address.
Google search strategy:
"corporate attorneys" + "mailing lists"
"corporate counsel" + "mailing lists"
Best of luck assembling your target list -- and let Google Answers
know if anything needs clarification!
Best regards,
Omnivorous-GA |