PRPro --
Hello again! Google Answers gets lots of questions about Powerpoint
(and other Microsoft software).
The task of animating the background in a Powerpoint master slide is
not difficult but can't be done with the limited power of Microsoft's
animation tools. However, Powerpoint allows you to put an image in
the background of the "Master" slide -- and that gets us where we want
to go, if you use an animated GIF. You could also use other video
files, but the animated GIF will be the most-compact and easiest to
You're probably familiar with GIF (Graphics Information Files), as
they are the most-commonly used form for logos and simple
illustrations on the web. An animated GIF allows you to put a series
of stills together and control:
* the amount of time for each still
* the number of times a loop can run (and you can set it to run
To get your twinkle effect, you'll want to use GIF Animator software.
I use the animation plug-in for Paint Shop Pro to create animations
and first learned to use animated GIFs with Ulead's software
(available for a trial period):
In any case, a Google search yields dozens of references:
"GIF animation" + software
First, create your star field in a shape that matches your Powerpoint
slide. In most cases, it's a landscape (horizontal image) with an
aspect ratio of about 17H x 24W. I'd create a pixel map of about 680H
x 960W and put in as many stars as you like!
You'll probably want to start with a full field of stars, then get
your twinkle effect by creating a 2nd image which moves (or deletes) a
few stars. Create a series of 5 (or so) star fields, being careful to
name them sequentially -- star1.gif, star2.gif, star3.gif, etc. Be
careful with your selection of background color, as this will be your
background on every PPT slide.
Next, create an animated GIF by connecting these 5 images with the
animation software.
STEP 3: Putting the animated GIF into Powerpoint
1. When you open Powerpoint, go to View/Master Slide
2. Now you'll go to: Insert/Picture/From File and you'll put your
animated background into the slide.
3. Size it to fill out the slide.
4. Right click on the mouse and select Order/Send to Back.
Remember that you've been editing the master slide. Save it as a
template or blank presentation. Then go to town with the full
Some disclaimers here:
* I'm using Powerpoint 2000 and it's possible that some newer
features have emerged of which I'm not aware (but animated GIFs work!)
* I have no financial stake in the two pieces of software companies
mentioned above.
Let us know if this process is clear enough. And thanks for using
Google Answers again!
Best regards,
Omnivorous-GA |