Dear Broker,
Thank you fro accepting my fidnings as the answer to your question.
I am reposting the information below for your convenience.
Best regards, Bobbie7
_________________________________________ provides three daily online reports -- summaries of
news stories with links to the original articles and a fully
searchable archive. The Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, the Kaiser
Daily HIV/AIDS Report, and the Kaiser Daily Women's Health Policy
Report, keep you in touch with legislative, political, legal,
scientific, and business developments in each area. Issues include
Medicare reform, Medicaid, patients' rights, access, the uninsured,
minority health, children's health and health care advertising.
Kaiser First Edition, available each weekday morning at 8:30, provides
headlines and links to the day's top stories and events.
World Health News - Harvard School of Public Health
?Welcome to World Health News, online news digest from the Center for
Health Communication at the Harvard School of Public Health. The site
covers critical public health issues from around the world. It is
designed to be a resource for an international audience of policy
makers and journalists as well as public health researchers,
practitioners, and advocates.
World Health News offers a combination of original reporting and a
digest of news stories and commentaries from newspapers and magazines
worldwide on pressing issues in public health. It includes special
features prepared by the Harvard School of Public Health, such as
videotaped interviews with experts, as well as access to radio and
television coverage of important breaking public health news stories
from websites of leading news organizations.?
?EINnews provides you access to breaking news that is organized within
290+ country, regional, U.S. state and specialized topic sections.
EINnews content is derived from monitoring over 25,000 news sources
and news sections and is designed to save you money by reducing time
needed for your online research. More than one million people turn to
EINnews for breaking news each year?
You may choose news by category.
Health News and Latest Information
Science Daily
Read Breaking News - Updated every 15 minutes here:
Other areas that might interest you:
Health and Medicine Summaries
Health and Medicine Headlines
Health and Medicine ? Obesity
Bowdens International Media Monitoring also offers summary services.
The CDC Surveillance Summaries provide a means for CDC programs to
disseminate surveillance findings, permitting detailed interpretation
of trends and patterns based on those findings.
Past CDC Surveillance Summaries
Healthandage started in 1998 as part of the Foundation for
Gerontology by the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis. The site is
to be used as a general resource for researchers, healthcare providers
and consumers. Physicians summarize medical journal articles and write
articles on aging.
?HealthandAge specialist staff scan the most important news sources on
a daily basis, and bring you major items related to healthy aging. You
can search the entire news collection, and also focus on a particular
health topic, to see what recent news stories relating to that topic
have appeared.?
EBM Online - Evidence-based Medicine
Evidence-Based Medicine -
Would you rather read 50,000 articles or 120?
?An enormous amount of work goes on behind the scenes to make sure
that Evidence-Based Medicine provides you with all the information you
need. We scan over 100 journals and around 50,000 articles a year so
that we can identify the most important and valid 120 research
articles and publish them in Evidence-Based Medicine. This means that
if you read Evidence-Based Medicine, you?ll get all the important
research material you need in just 6 volumes that are published
throughout the year, saving you all important time to concentrate on
other things. To further emphasise the point, in a recent study*, it
was found that you?d have to read 227 articles in the Lancet or 118
articles in the New England Journal of Medicine to get the relevant
information that would be contained in 1 Evidence-Based Medicine
?Evidence-Based Medicine surveys a wide range of international medical
journals applying strict criteria for the quality and validity of
research. Practising clinicians assess the clinical relevance of the
best studies. The key details of these essential studies are presented
in a succinct, informative abstract with an expert commentary on its
clinical application.
Published bi-monthly, Evidence-Based Medicine offers comprehensive
coverage of primary care medicine. It includes a wide array of
clinical disciplines, including family practice, internal medicine,
paediatrics, obstetrics, gynaecology, psychiatry, and surgery.!?
A journal of quality appraised abstracted research relevant to nursing practice
Evidence-Based Mental Health
ACP Journal Club might also interest you
The content is carefully selected from over 100 clinical journals
through reliable application of explicit criteria for scientific
merit, followed by assessment of relevance to medical practice by
clinical specialists.
Purpose and Procedure
?ACP Journal Club's general purpose is to select from the biomedical
literature articles that report original studies and systematic
reviews that warrant immediate attention by physicians attempting to
keep pace with important advances in internal medicine. These articles
are summarized in value-added abstracts and commented on by clinical
This Web site comprises the cumulative electronic contents of ACP
Journal Club's bimonthly print edition since its inception in 1991,
with recurrent weeding of out-of-date articles. The content is
carefully selected from over 100 clinical journals through reliable
application of explicit criteria for scientific merit, followed by
assessment of relevance to medical practice by clinical specialists.?
How to find current best evidence and how to have current best evidence find us.
"When no evidence-based information system exists for a clinical
problem, then synopses of individual studies and reviews are the next
best source. What busy practitioner has time to use evidence-based
resources if the evidence is presented in its original form or even as
detailed systematic reviews? Although these detailed articles and
reviews are essential building blocks, they are often too heavy to
lift on the run. The perfect synopsis of a review or original study
would provide only, and exactly, enough information to support a
clinical action. The declarative title for each abstract that appears
in ACP Journal Club and Evidence Based Medicine."
Evidence-based journals or Synoptic journals
"Invest in evidence-based journals and online services A growing
number of periodicals summarize the best evidence in traditional
journals, making their selections according to explicit criteria for
merit, providing structured abstracts of the best studies and expert
commentaries about the context of the studies and the clinical
applicability of their findings. These synoptic journals include ACP
Journal Club, Evidence Based Medicine, Evidence Based Mental Health,
Evidence Based Nursing, Evidence Based Health Care Policy and
Practice, Evidence Based Cardiovascular Medicine, and a number of
others. Synoptic journals do what traditional journals wish they could
do in selecting the best studies, finding the best articles from all
relevant journals and summarizing them in one place."
Read more here:
ACP Journal Club
?Evidence-based medicine for better patient care ACP Journal Club has
maintained its position as the premier synoptic journal for internal
medicine since its inception in 1991. ACP Journal Club surveys over
200 peer-reviewed medical journals to bring physicians summaries of
only the most important articles. Succinct, accurate, and
authoritative, ACP Journal Club offers busy physicians a convenient
and cost-efficient way to be informed of vital clinical data.?
Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine
?Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine provides the highest quality
and most up to date evidence to help clinicians make the best
treatment decisions. Every year, the editorial team read and appraise
more than 10,000 articles published throughout the world. Summaries of
the best quality and most useful research are included in the journal,
alongside an expert commentary about what the findings mean in
?Journals scanned by Evidence-based Healthcare & Public Health include:
American Journal of Public Health
Annals of Public Medicine
British Medical Journal
European Journal of Public Health
Health Services Research
Health Economics
International Journal of Health Care and Quality Assurance
Journal of Health Services Research and Policy
Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics
New England Journal of Medicine
Public Health?
Evidence-based Healthcare & Public Health
?Evidence-based Healthcare & Public Health (formerly Evidence-based
Healthcare) provides health managers and policy makers with the best
evidence available about the financing, organization and management of
healthcare and public health.
For each issue, key articles are selected from over 70 of the most
authoritative and respected journals in the field and reviewed in the
form of a structured abstract and expert commentary. The concise and
easy to read format presents the most essential, relevant and
practical information, in a form easy to assimilate and understand. ?
Evidence-based Medicine
Evidence-based Nursing
Evidence-Based Mental Health
According to the study below it appears that ACP Journal Club (ACP)
and Internal Medicine Alert (IMA) are similar to Journal Watch.
Reviewing the reviewers: the quality of reporting in three secondary journals
?Secondary journals such as ACP Journal Club (ACP), Journal Watch (JW)
and Internal Medicine Alert (IMA) have enormous potential to help
clinicians remain up to date with medical knowledge. However, for
clinicians to evaluate the validity and applicability of new findings,
they need information on the study design, methodology and results.?
Internal Medicine Alert
?Twice a month, Internal Medicine Alert, Stephen A. Brunton, MD,
Editor, brings you 6-8 abstracts of developments in internal medicine
accompanied by expert commentary. ECG reviews give quick, practical
lessons in ECG interpretation. Pharmacology updates provide unbiased
expert advice on the latest approved drugs. Clinical Briefs summarize
recent, noteworthy studies in digest form.?,14&mtyid=5&cetid=0,1&pdr=1&clntr=1&clntru=/clinical_trials/?clu=188&mtid=c |