Hello Bobbuonaccorsi,
I located the Wall Street Journal article by Daniel J. Boorstin, titled:
?A World of New Questions: From ?Why?? to ?How??? The Wall Street Journal
This article was published on June 22, 1999.
A preview of this article is available here:
I found a free copy of this article as well.
Here are some relevant excerpts where the terms "process philosophy"
and ?creative process? are mentioned
?In the course of a few centuries the sciences had been transformed into an
ever-growing catalog of new realms of questions. And a whole new view of
the role of the scientist was encouraging and impelling the sciences. This was
to be expressed in what came to be known as a "process philosophy."
?To meet this challenge, Henri Bergson wrote his eloquent "Creative
Evolution" (1907), in which he denied that evolution was a purely
mechanistic process. Instead, he saw evolution activated by a
creative inner experience. This he called the "elan vital," or vital
spirit -- the power of life to overcome fixed and rigid forms. So, for
Bergson, evolution itself was a living creative process.?
?No one expressed the spirit of this modern process philosophy better than
Albert Einstein (1879-1955). In "Religion and Science" (1930), Einstein wrote:
"The individual feels the futility of human desires and aims and the sublimity
and marvelous order which reveal themselves both in nature and in the world
of thought.?
A World of New Questions: From 'Why?' to 'How?' By Daniel Boorstin.
Read the full text of this article here:
Search criteria:
Wall Street Jourtnal
Daniel Boorstin
I hope this is the correct article. If this isn?t the article you
recall, please let me know via the clarification feature BEFORE rating
my answer and I will resume my search.
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |