Hello Sydchi,
According to the IHRSA Sportsclub Association there are an estimated
29,000 fitness centers or gym clubs.
?On July 1, 1995, there were approximately 12,500 commercial fitness
centers in the United States. By January 1, 2006, there were more than
29,000 such centers. Today, in most major metropolitan markets, every
commercial fitness facility has 10 to 25 competitive fitness
operations within its trading area. This one fact - the
intensification of competition - implies that the entire fitness
industry has entered a new and more demanding era.?
About the Industry
US Clubs: 26,831 (as of 1/05)
US Health Club Members: 41.3 million (as of 1/05)
Through annual surveys, the IHRSA Research Department collects key
operational data related to health club industry benchmarks, best
practices, and trends.
?Health clubs are also multiplying faster than the cottontails in
Grant Park. There are now more than 26,000 health clubs in the U.S.
serving 41.3 million members, up from 12,608 clubs and 24.1 million
members in 1995, according to the Sportsclub Association.?
Metromix Chicago tribune: May 2005
Search criteria:
Health OR gym clubs in the United States
Number of U.S. gym OR health OR fitness clubs OR centers
Sportsclub Association
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |