As a management consultant, dealing daily with writing such processes,
here is my view of what management processes are.
The purpose of management processes is to provide a systematic means
of ensuring that the activities which a company carries out, both
internal and external, are carried out in a controlled, safe,
professional and cost effective manner in accordance with company
These processes are usually split into the following subsytems (or a
set of subsystems that closely resemble this)
Quality Management
The Quality management process describes the quality control to be
applied to all the other processes and summarises the control
procedures to be used. It generally consists of a Quality managemnent
individual who will control the Quality System of the company,
including Operational Management controls, procedures and work
instructions needed to ensure that the stated quality, operational and
contractual obligations of the company are met. Quality Management
implies a continuous investigation of the company's processes to
ensure continual control, and improvement wherever necessary.
Risk Management
The risk management process generally consists of individual(s) tasked
to quantify risks to the business and who develop procedures to
mitigate these risks and to form company wide plans to ensure that all
risks to the company are identified and factored in to any policy
decisions that have to be made.
Communication Management
Communication management defines the process of communicating company
decisions, both internal and external. It will usually consist of a
set of management guidelines and work instructions for dealing with
staff, other businesses, customers and the media.
Performance Management
Performance management defines the processes used to measure the
efficiency of the company and can encompass staff efficiency and
performance assessment, mechanical equipment efficiency, and procedure
efficiency including audits of all company processes.
Human resource Management
Human resource management defines the processes which cover the human
element of the company and can cover personnel, payroll, training,
staff sickness, staff holidays, training, recruitment, retirement,
pensions and redunancy planning
Configuration Management
Configuration management defines processes and procedures to cover
management of the physical assets of the company which may include the
buildings, machinery, desks, chairs, lighting etc, and also any land
the company owns such as car-parks and public areas in the company's
sphere of influence. It will also cover how the company handles all
materials both entering and leaving its control ie goods in and out.
Procurement Management
Procurement management defines processes to cover the purchase of all
materials required to run the company, the invoicing for the same,
returns of unwanted goods, chasing up of said goods and possibly
administration of the budget through an accounting dept.
Requirement Management
Requirement management is the forward planning process that identifies
in advance what the Company will require over a set period of time,
usually involving procedures covering budgeting and project planning.
The IM/IT process covers all the Information Technology needs of the
company, usually under an Information Manager. The remit covers
processes covering the management of all hardware, software and
personnel required to operate the smooth running of IT in the company.
Program / Portfolio Management
Program/Portfolio management covers the processes required to manage
the Company's business eg in a Software Development company this
process will cover the management of the software development process,
from conception through to delivery, with procedures, budgets, staff
work outlines and plans for the efficient completion of each phase of
the Project or group of projects
In summary, management processes are defined as a set of procedures
and work instructions that are followed by a company and its staff to
ensure the smooth running of the company, an efficient use of staff
and resources, and infer a strategic advantage to the company by
ensuring that all employees are constantly improving, and constantly
working towards a common goal
Corporate Management Processes
An example set of processes from a real business, slightly different
to those described above
CEN Management processes
A good site for project management processes
Project Management processes, deliverables, articles and tools
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