Hello, healthresultsgroup-ga!
Thank you for accepting my research. I have gone ahead and posted the
links from my clarifications below - but I added a few more references
at the beginning which offer a bit of information on the subject as
From "Long-Term Care: A Survey of New York AARP Members." AARP. March 2004
8. "Currently, the State has a program, called the New York State
Partnership for Long-Term Care, which is an incentive program for
residents to purchase longterm care insurance policies for themselves.
Are you aware of this program?"
25 Yes
73 No
From "Statement of Mark R. Meiners, Ph.D., Professor and Director,
Center for Health Policy, Research and Ethics, George Mason
University, Arlington, Virginia. Testimony Before the Subcommittee on
Health. of the House Committee on Ways and Means. April 19, 2005.
Read portion from The Partnership Balancing Act:
"Partnership policy sales indicate steadily growing interest in
public-private long-term care insurance policies. However, the numbers
also reveal that the public is still wary about the need for such
policies and needs positive reinforcement to consider such an
investment in their future. There are good reasons for this that
involve the differences in perspectives that have fueled the status
Scroll down to - Study: 'Partnership Program' Shows No Major Impact
on Financing Long-Term Care. January 11, 2005
See relevant excerpt from "Long-Term Care for the Elderly with
Disabilities: Current Policy, Emerging Trends, and Implications for
the Twenty-First Century," By Robyn I. Stone. August 2000.
"One interesting experiment in combining public and private policies
is the Partnership for Long-Term Care, a demonstration program
sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to promote the
development of private funding sources for long-term care (Cohen,
1997; McCall, 1997). The Partnership, implemented in four states -
California, Connecticut, Indiana, and New York = uses private
insurance to cover the initial costs of long-term care (Meiners and
McKay, 1989); Medicaid pays for services after private insurance
coverage is exhausted. Two models have been developed: a
Dollar-for-Dollar Disregard model in California, Connecticut, and
Indiana and a Total Asset Disregard model in New York. In the first
model, consumers purchase private insurance coverage equal to the
amount of assets they wish to protect. When the private benefits are
exhausted, those assets are disregarded in determining eligibility for
Medicaid. The New York model requires that consumers purchase three
years of private nursing home or six years of home care coverage, and
all of the insured's assets are protected once the private benefits
have been exhausted."
"One major limitation of this demonstration program - and of the
development of the private long-term insurance market as a whole - is
the time lag between the purchase of a policy and the filing of a
claim. Consequently, the Partnership demonstration has yet to obtain
empirical evidence of its successes or failures. But interesting
information on the purchasers of these products is already available
(McCall et al., 1997). Partnership purchasers were older, had smaller
families, and were much more highly educated than the comparison
sample of individuals aged 55 to 75 who were not covered by Medicaid.
They were also more likely to be female, white, in reportedly good or
excellent health, and in a relatively high income bracket. The
Partnership sample was also more likely than the comparison group to
disagree with the statement "Medicare currently provides sufficient
coverage for long-term care" and was much less likely to believe that
government will pay for long-term care if they need it in the future.
This study identified the Partnership purchasers as a self-reliant
group, whose decisions to purchase insurance were based upon the
desire to maintain independence and preserve income and choice, rather
than upon a desire to leave an inheritance."
See "Report 6 of the Report of the Council on Medical Servide (I-05) -
Policy Options for Addressing Medicaid Long-Term Care. Executive
Summary." November 2005.
* Scroll down to section titled "Public-Private Partnerships for LTCI."
The following links have already posted via clarification:
"The Long-Term Care Partnership Program: An Overview." Briefing to
Congressional Staff. GAO-05-1021R, September 9, 2005
Abstract - http://www.ctachca.org/documents/HotTopics/050909AbstractLongTermCarePartnershipAnOverviewGAO-05-1021R.pdf
"The Long-Term Care Partnership Program: Issues and Options." Alexis
Ahlstrom, Emily Clements, Anne Tumlinson. The Health Strategies
Consultancy LLC. Jeanne Lambrew, George Washington University School
of Public Health and Health Services.
Full report - http://www.brookings.edu/views/papers/200412retirement.pdf
Abstract: http://www.brookings.edu/views/papers/200412retirement.htm )
"Annual Report For the Connecticut Partnership for Long-Term Care
Evaluation Studies." July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004. Issued July 2005
Executive Summary - http://www.opm.state.ct.us/pdpd4/ltc/researcher/AnnRepSum.pdf
"Medicaid?s Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program," by Julie
Stone-Axelrad Analyst in Social Legislation. Domestic Social Policy
Division. CRS Report for Congress. Updated January 21, 2005
"Financing Long-Term Care for the Elderly." Corbis. April 2004
See table 3.1 Average Annual Premiums for Policies of the Partnership for
Long-Term Care, 2004
See Box 3.2 Comparing the Financial Impacts of a Partnership Policy and Other
Insurance Options
"Connecticut Partnership Policies Can Save You Money."
"Partnership for Long-Term Care - LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE UNIFORM
DATA SET. Reporting Requirements and Documentation." Revised September
2005. http://www.opm.state.ct.us/pdpd4/ltc/insurer/uds.pdf
While not solely focused on the Long Term Parnership Program, the
following papers discuss the program as one of several options:
"Public and Private Financing of Long-Term Care in Minnesota." Summary
of Legislative Report. February 2005
"Assessing Long-Term-Care Risk and Long-Term-Care Options," by Mary
Helen McSweeney, PhD and Peter Gomori, PhD. Presented at Managing
Retirement Assets Symposium. Sponsored by the Society of Actuaries Las
Vegas. March 31 - April 2, 2004.
"How Will States Pay for Long Term Care?" Prepared for Council on
Health Care Economics and Policy. 12th Annual Princeton Conference.
May 19-20, 2005
Scroll down to:
"There is renewed interest in federal legislation needed to clear the
way for expansion of state-level long-term care partnership programs.
Passage of the Long-Term Care Partnership Program Act would change
Medicaid's "spend down" rules that count the proceeds of
long-term-care payments against an insured's eligibility for Medicaid
programs.....The experience in the Long-Term Care Partnership states
offers some lessons. Authorized by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
in 1987, almost two decades ago, this demonstration project aimed to
help states plan and implement public private partnerships that link
Medicaid and private long term care insurance to protect an
individual?s assets and possible future eligibility for Medicaid
(Meiners, McKay, & Goss, 2001). The private part of these policies is
the insurance coverage for long term care....... The Partnership
program has had some degree of success despite its complications and
political opposition at the federal level (McCall, 2001). According to
the National Association of Health Underwriters (2004), consumers in
the four Partnership states have purchased 180, 531 policies, with
148,405 still in effect.....
"Long-Term Care Partnership Examined," by Sen. Doug Cunningham. February 14, 2006
"New law pushes long-term care coverage," By Daniel C. Vock,
Stateline.org Staff Writer. February 16, 2006
"Long Term Care Insurance Options In New York State = A Report to the
Governor and Legislature." 2005
Scroll down to page 21 - "The New York State Partnership for Long-Term Care."
"Primary Care Provider Satisfaction Survey." Wisconsin Partnership Program
April 2004.
Older articles:
"Partnership Quality Member Outcomes: The Initial Assessment." July
2001. Office of Strategic Finance. Center for Delivery Systems Development
The following article might be helpful but is a bit off target:
"What We Know About Buyers and Non-Buyers of Private Long-Term Care
Insurance: A Review of Studies." LifePlans, Inc. August 2004
An opinion;
"Dan Melson: Long Term Care Insurance: Non-Tax-Qualified versus
Tax-Qualified, and Partnership." 2005
Search Srategy
partnership for long term care
"Partnership for Long-Term Care" analysis OR survy OR opinion
medicare long term care partnership program work OR success
analysis of "partnership policies" for long term care
partnership programs for long-term care insurance
financing long term care for the elderly