Hello heif -
Great question. There are many webmasters out there who wonder the
exact same thing, and I think they will find this answer beneficial
too. On to your answer :
A search engine listing with Google - as with all search engines, is
based on numerous variables.
Here is where I believe your variable problems are:
- Your Static pertinent content
You should have a thorough description on your site, that is relevant
to your site content. This allows Google to properly 'categorize' your
site and toss it into the relevant area of other sites. See the
excerpt below:
Excerpt taken from TopSiteListings
Written by Andrew Gerhart - November 28, 2001
"The content should be in the form of HTML. Google uses its indexing
robot, Googlebot, to crawl through your website and go though your
content. While the robot can read the image tags, Flash tags, etc, it
cannot read the actual files. It is a robot, not a human. For example,
Googlebot cannot see that your image has 20 lines of text that is
keyword rich, but instead sees 'img src'."
So it's fair to say that your site simply does not have enough static
content to warrant indexing what little text is available. Create more
text descriptions for each image caption, and be sure to outline on
the page - what your site purpose is. Stray from adding misleading,
repeating text to your image ALT tags, as this method is outdated, and
often proves not worth it in the end.
- Not enough keyword density. Try using this online keyword density
Keyword Density Tool
Keywords draw attention. This is not really cheating the system as
some would propose. If used in moderation, and as a legitimate
optimization method - it's effective. Vary your site wording from week
to week and see what works best for you. Having good , relevant
keyword density, and the overall HTML page size to back it up will
give cause for further inspection of your site by crawlers.
The resource page I sent you to also has numerous other Google tools
and tips as well. You can view them at your leisure here:
Surviving the Google Update
How I found the answer ( search terms used ):
"search engine optimization google"
And of course - my own personal experiences. I own several
'Google-ized' websites.
I hope this helps you out with your site index. Play with these ideas
for a few weeks, and let us know how it worked out for you.
Good Luck,
SgtCory |