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Elevated eosinophils and IgMs
Category: Health Asked by: sickntired-ga List Price: $100.00 |
27 Feb 2006 18:25 PST
Expires: 29 Mar 2006 18:25 PST Question ID: 701685 |
Starting in the late Summer of 2005, I noticed that I was chronically fatigued. The exhaustion was so bad at times that I could literally feel it in my bones. My concentration levels dropped, I had trouble remembering things and sometimes felt like I had a veil over my eyes because I was so foggy. I attributed this to both a stressful work schedule and marathon training. Once the marathon and the difficult work project ended, I expected to fee noticeably better. Quite the opposite happened and I continued to feel more and more fatigued. I continued to do my daily activities, but still felt like I couldn't concentrate. On top of this, I would occasionally get night sweats and my stomach was chronically upset. Though I had been diagnosed with IBS back in 2004, the gas,bloating, diarrhea, constipation had gotten significantly worse. I revisited my psychiatrist who had been treating me for anxiety and depression with great results using a low dose of Effexor (75mg). She suggested I take a "booster" dose of Wellbutrin (75mg) in case the Effexor was no longer helping me for depression. I did this and nothing changed. The fatigue and everything else remained. I had also visited my PCP who continued to tell me that he didn't think there was anything wrong with me. Blood test results according to him were normal. I visited a different doctor in the same practice who drew my blood in January. According to her, my eosinophils were elevated (reading of 10.8%). She did a stool specimen (especially since I had giardia in 2000). The stool test came back negative and she repeated the blood work. This time, my eosinophils were elevated to 11.4% and my MCH was elevated to 33.3pg. She sent me to an allergist who did a battery of tests and found that I had no detectable allergies of any kind (he did blood work plus a skin prick test). HOWEVER, he noticed that my IgMs were significantly elevated to 639 mg/dl. I am being sent for further tests, but no one seems to have the slightest idea what's going on. Of course, I am fearing the worst (Hodgkin's Disease being at the forefront of my mind) and would love some idea as to what might be going on. Any thoughts? Thanks! |
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Re: Elevated eosinophils and IgMs
From: teebud-ga on 28 Feb 2006 20:18 PST |
A few things, have you have specific T3 and T4 thyroid tests done? The regular thyroid function tests sometimes don't always pick up thyroid problems. Also, you said you had allergy tests done, what about lung function or asthma test? Is it possible that you could have some sort of parasitic infection? Have you had any lymph swellings or a chest xray recently? |
Re: Elevated eosinophils and IgMs
From: sickntired-ga on 01 Mar 2006 17:15 PST |
Hi, My TSH was 2.80 mIU/L and my T4, FREE was 1.1 ng/dl. There is nothing specified for T3 on my tests. I did not have a lung function or asthma test done. Nor have I had a chest xray recently. In 2000, I had what my gastroenterologist characterized at the time as "the worst case of giardia (he) ever saw." I have had many endoscopies performed since then and a stool culture done recently all of which came up negative. I still believe that this could be a possibility regardless. Otherwise, no lymph node swelling that I've noticed. Regarding the asthma test, I ran the marathon in November. Not to say that there's no chance I could have asthma developing, but wouldn't I have noticed something at that time (difficulty breathing, etc.)? |
Re: Elevated eosinophils and IgMs
From: lauren2901-ga on 01 Mar 2006 21:56 PST |
Firstly, your MSH level is not that high with the normal being in the range 27-33, with a norm of 30. In regards to the high level of eosinophils these are present when there is an allergic reaction or a high level of parasites. With your case history of giaria infection (a parasite) there may be some chance that this has not been entirely cleared up. I would be rechecked to ensure that you are free from a parasitic infection. I would probably rule out something like chronic fatigue as you do have elevated eosinophils. Hodgkins disease can easily be ruled out by the doctor by examination of lymph nodes and a chest x-ray to examine the lymph nodes in your chest. Sorry i cant be of more help and good luck!! |
Re: Elevated eosinophils and IgMs
From: aschoff_nodule-ga on 02 Mar 2006 15:44 PST |
I have no idea too, but elevated IgM would prompt me to think towards Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia. |
Re: Elevated eosinophils and IgMs
From: nosferatu-ga on 06 Mar 2006 02:18 PST |
You had mentioned psychiatrist. In the last 30 days have you been treated with any antipsychotic drugs, specifically, Fluanxol (Flupenthixol Decanoate/Flupenthixol Dihydrochloride)? Eosinophilia has been specifically reported to coincide with the intake of Fluanxol and other antiasychotics. |
Re: Elevated eosinophils and IgMs
From: sickntired-ga on 06 Mar 2006 08:19 PST |
Hi, Thanks for your comments. In response, I have never been treated with an anti-psychotic drug of any kind. As I mentioned in my first note, I have been treated only for depression and anxiety with low doses of effexor and wellbutrin. In terms of the giardia, I recently had a stool test which came back negative and have been tested numerous times since my initial diagnosis using the "gold standard" test of upper endoscopy. Each time the result has been negative for giardia. As for Waldenstrom's, I had heard that that was limited to folks in their 70s. I am in my very early 30s. Don't know if that makes any difference. Thanks for all of your thoughts!! |
Re: Elevated eosinophils and IgMs
From: kickan-ga on 17 Mar 2006 05:27 PST |
Can be autoimmunity. Prednisolone is used i such cases. |
Re: Elevated eosinophils and IgMs
From: geomale-ga on 26 Mar 2006 02:03 PST |
Any facial swelling, or itching? Could possibly be: : Episodic Angioedema http://www.madisonsfoundation.org/content/3/1/display.asp?did=629 although it is vey rare ! Dr. John Walker |
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