You could if you have severe insomina, but only under the guidance or
supervision of a medical practitioner as advised in the drug
information available online. You should never take these drugs
There may be a small risk of worsening depression with this kinds of
drug, which are NOT antidepressants. If you have depression, it should
be treated with antidepressants, and or therapy ( eg. cognitive
behavior therapy ), or even ECT in extreme cases - not sedatives!
Interestingly there is a new study showing tha trying a different
antidepressant has a good chance of being more effective if the first
one doesn't seem to do much - see the current issue of the New England
Journal, 23rd March 2006. -
Remember that all these sedative drugs, like valium, ( diazepam ), and
other benzodiazepines are quite addictive for alot of people. Also,
depression is partly a sleep disorder, with insomnia or waking at
night being a very common symptom, hence the common mistake of
treating depressed people with sleeping tablets instead of proper
therapy. If your depression is treated effectively, the insomnia
should go away.
Dr. John Walker |