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The Michelson/Morley experiments.
Category: Science > Astronomy Asked by: buffycat-ga List Price: $25.00 |
01 Mar 2006 07:11 PST
Expires: 30 Mar 2006 18:31 PST Question ID: 702444 |
Could there be some connection between so called 'dark matter' and the old Michelson/Morley experiments? Do the theories about dark matter shed new light (sorry!) on the existance of the 'ether' since dark matter appears to be transparent to light? |
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Re: The Michelson/Morley experiments.
Answered By: hedgie-ga on 02 Mar 2006 07:18 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hello Buffycat, I usually am in agreement with views expressed by learned commenters, like kottekoe-ga, qed100-ga or iang-ga ... but in this case I will take an opposite view, a positive view of your question. I will join you in a speculation (a scientific version of a wild goose chase). Just do not quote me, :-) OK? On an intuitive, conceptual level, there may be some connection between the old and new issues, between ether and current discrepancies between theory and experiment observed in alge scale measurements. First, I have to admit that I do not like the 'dark matter'. To quote myself (which is also suspect) I need to say: "People speak of the 'dark matter' - but fact is that no-one ever saw it. Only reason it was invented was to save some theories which are otherwise falsified by recent experiments...new lease on life .." http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=460093 I hope that evolution of science will go that way: that gravitation laws will be refined, corrected, and dark matter will not be needed. It may go the other way - a 'second leg' may be found, but it did not happened yet. Note on the legs: New physics theories need at least two two legs, to stand on. For example GRT (Einstein's gravity) got one leg when it explained Mercury deviation and second when it explained 'bending of light' by the Sun. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Tests_of_general_relativity Here is the first connection: Before Einstein, the discrepancies between experiment and theory were explained by postulating unseen masses. It worked - Neptun and Pluto were discovered this way. Those are SEARCH TERMS: discovery Neptun, Pluto .. e.g. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Neptune_and_Pluto.html When they pointed a telescope to a calculated location - there was a dark mass. That was a very robust second leg. They tried that with Mercury - and it did not work. Einstein hypothesis, that Newtons laws are only aproximate and that there (near the Sun = high intensity) these slight correction will be measurable was the right solution - a second leg for GTR. So, I expect that now, in the oposite extreme, at very weak fields, on a large scale, the observed discrepancies may be a harbinger of next change of theories. That would have to connect with GTR in some very new and fundamental way. The GTR (which really started with STR and MM experiment) kicked us in direction of relativity and 'no Ether'. But now, 100 years later, Ether which we did throw out of the door, is crawling back through the window: Vacuum has energy ! Huh? It is called 'zero point energy'. It may have something to do with cosmological constant (which was also dusted off to explain these discrepancies) and it may, just may provide some 'preferred frame of reference' - a euphemism for 'absolute space'. None of that is implying that Einstein was wrong. But some of that may be saying that human knowledge is evolving in spirals. Sometimes discarded concepts find a new use, in the new context. Newton's 'corpuscural (=particle) theory of light, which was rejected in favor of wave theory in the 19 century, found a new life in the 20 century in the Quantum Mechanics. (Not that we are happy about this two headed monstrum). So, on this long time scale, and in speculative realm, I would say 'yes'. They may be some connection. May be someone will boldly reject 'dark matter' and postulates better laws of gravity, just a Einstein boldly rejected absolute space and postulated relativity. Hedgie | |
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Re: The Michelson/Morley experiments.
From: qed100-ga on 01 Mar 2006 11:45 PST |
Please bear with me, but I must ask the following before pursuing this any further: Why do you suppose the M&M experiment *would* have any important relationship to dark matter? |
Re: The Michelson/Morley experiments.
From: buffycat-ga on 01 Mar 2006 13:47 PST |
From 'buffycat-ga'. In answer to the first comment, I didn't say "would". I just wondered if the existance of an ether , perhaps made of dark matter, had become an open question again.. If the ether is made of dark matter, transparent to light, then Michelson and Morley's experiments to establish the speed of the earth's travel through it wouldn't have succeeded. Therefore their experiments cannot be used to 'disprove' the existance of an ether. |
Re: The Michelson/Morley experiments.
From: iang-ga on 01 Mar 2006 14:37 PST |
The aether was supposed to be the medium through which light travelled - the MM experiment showed there was no medium. Introducing dark matter doesn't change that. There are still some free thinkers who believe in the "luminiferous aether", but I've never heard of a suggested link between it and dark matter. Ian G. |
Re: The Michelson/Morley experiments.
From: qed100-ga on 01 Mar 2006 14:56 PST |
Ok, I see. Well what the M&M experiment did, or actually didn't, do was to clearly demonstrate the existence of the "luminiferous" ether, which was an important feature of 19th century physical modeling of space. It was understood by way of classical electrodynamics that light was a wave, and waves were presumed to require a classically envisioned stuff to mechanically vibrate. This vibration of the ether, like that of a guitar string, would be light itself. But in classical theory the group velocity of that wave would add linearly to that of the emissive source against the background of a fixed coordinate system, that of the ether itself. The purpose of the experiment was to detect this source dependency of the speed of light by observing very slight changes in an interference pattern. It failed to make any such detection, despite that the instrument's sensitivity was well within the that required to see changes predicted by classical theory. The gist of it is, that the M&M experiment showed, and special relativity predicted (after the fact of the experiment), that no such frame dependent speed of light can be detected, and so the classical ether became irrelevant. If it exists, it can't be detected, either in theory or in prtactice, and so is outside of scientific realism. This doesn't preclude however the presence of space-filling "stuff". It's only the specifics of the classical ether which are ruled out. As it turns out, since the late 1920s quantum field theory (QFT) has pretty much required that space be filled with a variety of fields, one for each known particle. A particle, for example a photon, is a "unit" wave in that field. But such a field has rules that it has to obey; it can't be classical in nature, since it's been ruled out. These space-filling fields are certainly much in the spirit of the notion of an ether, even though they differ in details. They are required to be Lorentz invariant for example. They are detectable if quantum-field-theoretical predictions are born out in experiment. But those predictions don't, of course, include source dependency for the speed of light. To demonstrate this would be a major (catastrophic) failure of both quantum field and relativistic theory. It's important to stress that Lorentz invariance is not a function of the speed of light. Rather, it's more accurate to say that the speed of light, c, is a function of Lorentz invariance. The value of c is not really just the speed at which light travels. It is, in context of relativisitic theory, the asymptotic limit towards which all motion can tend, but never exceed. A massive object, such as an electron, can in principle approach ever closer to c, so long as force is applied to change the particle's velocity, but never, ever arrive at c. The closer a massive object gets to c, the more slowly it is able to get yet closer. A massless particle such as a photon has an undefined rest frame of reference and can travel only at c, no faster, no slower, between the moment at which it is emitted by an electric charge and the moment at which another one absorbs the photon's energy. c is an intrinsic property of space-time. So a dark matter field (ether) could exist. But a dark matter ether would presumably also be Lorentz invariant even if it is transparent to light itself, and so the M&M experiment wouldn't be particularly relevant to it. Does this help? |
Re: The Michelson/Morley experiments.
From: kottekoe-ga on 01 Mar 2006 20:28 PST |
QED: Well said! |
Re: The Michelson/Morley experiments.
From: buffycat-ga on 02 Mar 2006 00:01 PST |
Could someone explain the 'Lorentz invariant' to me. Is it something to do with lineal shrinkage of matter at near light speeds? Or am I on the wrong track completely? From buffycat-ga |
Re: The Michelson/Morley experiments.
From: kottekoe-ga on 02 Mar 2006 22:11 PST |
Buffycat - Lorentz Invariance is not an easy concept to grasp. Physicists love to find things that are invariant, meaning they don't change under a certain operation. This is the same as saying they like to find symmetries. For example, Galileo understood that the laws of mechanics were invariant if everything is given a "boost" in velocity. This is the so-called principle of "Galilean" relativity, which explains why a game of pool on an airplane traveling at 600 mile per hour will work the same way as long as the plane is in smooth air. Einstein discovered that if you want to preserve this notion, but keep the speed of light constant, you get these weird changes in length (Fitzgerald or Lorentz contraction) and time dilation. Lorentz codified this in a set of coordinate transformations that transform the four time and space coordinates from one reference frame to those of another frame moving at a constant velocity. This so-called Lorentz Transformation is the heart and soul of special relativity. One of the most cherished principles of modern physics, right up there with conservation of energy, is Lorentz Invariance. That is, the laws of physics are exactly the same in a reference frame derived by a Lorentz Transformation (sometimes called a "boost") from another frame. This is another way of saying that the laws of physics obey the principle of "Einsteinian" or "Special" Relativity. |
Re: The Michelson/Morley experiments.
From: mongolia-ga on 04 Mar 2006 16:31 PST |
As a sometime visitor to this forum , I am usually reluctant to comment on an "official " answer to a question which I did not ask. The third and fourth comments (by iang-ga and qed100-ga)have provided very good answers to buffycat's intelligent query. I am however at a loss therefore to understand what the official GAR's diatribe is all about. As well as totally confusing the original query (by buffycat) it also undermines the intelligent comments by the non-researchers. I hope that buffcat asks for a refund for the this insulting answer. Yours Truly Mongolia |
Re: The Michelson/Morley experiments.
From: hedgie-ga on 05 Mar 2006 20:44 PST |
One wonders where are the 'learned commenter' when one needs them. |
Re: The Michelson/Morley experiments.
From: buffycat-ga on 06 Mar 2006 09:17 PST |
Thank you Mongolia, for your suggestion. I have asked for a refund. Thank you kottekoe and (particularly) qed100, for your helpful comments. Are you interested in becoming paid answerers? Is there anything I can do to help? PS I still don't understand the Lorentz Invariance! |
Re: The Michelson/Morley experiments.
From: hedgie-ga on 06 Mar 2006 12:14 PST |
Of course, the article in the Scientific American is not the only publication on the topic. Here is a more accessible article from the British Guardian: http://technology.guardian.co.uk/online/science/story/0,12450,894026,00.html It is not my task to make guesses about which way the progress of science and understanding will take. My task is to report on what is the current state of knowledge and research. Doubts about the traditional explantion started with Pioneer anomaly http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_anomaly already in 1987 . There was a stream of additional articles which show that this indeed is an open question on todays theories of gravity. There are many more papers on this is peer reviewed journals. The fact that mongolia-ga on 04 Mar 2006 16:31 PST did not bother to read any reports on the current state of the research is not really anything I feel responsible for. I have posted the links. It is on the reader to make his or her mind. I just do want reiterate that these are not my theories. I do neverthless find them interesting. I hop you do to. Hedgie |
Re: The Michelson/Morley experiments.
From: qed100-ga on 07 Mar 2006 16:40 PST |
Hey Buffcat, Sorry I didn't get back to this sooner; I was pretty busy lately. What kottekoe said earlier regarding Lorentz invariance is accurate. But abstracting away the technicalities, essentially Lorentz invariance means that, for all inertial reference systems (for example, a spaceship coasting along on its own momentum), in general the laws of physics will be observably the same, and more specifically the value of c will similarly be the same for all inertial systems. In other words, no matter what the inertial system's velocity relative to some other system, from within the laws will be invariant. This is not, on the other hand, the same as saying that what you observe happening in *other* relative systems will be invariant. Indeed, as you in your inertial frame of reference pass by another system at some relative velocity, the parameters of that system will, by your reckoning, be "transformed", i.e., Lorentz transformed. The transformation will manifest itself as length contraction of the other system along the axis of relative motion (it'll be observably squashed), and time in that system will run observably slower. (The time in that system is said to be "dilated".) Both the length contraction and the time dilation are determined as a function of the relative velocity between the pair of systems, and both transformations are by the same scaling factor, what's called the "gamma" factor: 1/sqrt[1 - v^2/c^2] It's interesting to note that this means that, though the speed of light in your local inertial system will tend to measure out to c, the speed of light in the distant system will indeed be less than c, and will be less by the gamma factor. This points out the real meaning of the proposition "The speed of light is invariant for all inertial systems"; it is invariant from *within* the system, regardless its velocity relative to any other such system. Of course, your system, as measured from the other system, will be transformed. You will be measurably squashed & time dilated. |
Re: The Michelson/Morley experiments.
From: qed100-ga on 09 Mar 2006 07:42 PST |
Quoting myself earlier: "time in that system will run observably slower" and "the speed of light in the distant system will indeed be less than c, and will be less by the gamma factor." Excuse me; I got myself backwards. That ought to have been that the other relatively moving system runs faster, with the value of c in that system being greater than in your local, inertial system. |
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