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Relationship between soundwaves and lightwaves?
Category: Science Asked by: jat-ga List Price: $15.00 |
28 Sep 2002 15:52 PDT
Expires: 28 Oct 2002 14:52 PST Question ID: 70246 |
Is there a relationship between sound waves (including ultrasound) and lightwaves? More specifically, I'm thinking about "harmonics" (what little I know of it), wherein I wonder if you could take a particular light frequency and keep dividing it by 2 until you reached a frequency in the audible range, thereby establishing a real relationship between the two (Where would "sound" fit on a spectrum chart with radiowaves, lightwaves, etc.? Please keep references in layman's terms! Thanks. |
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Re: Relationship between soundwaves and lightwaves?
Answered By: nauster-ga on 29 Sep 2002 01:43 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Light, radio waves, X-rays, microwaves, and gamma rays are all the same type of thing. They are all streams of photons, and the only difference among all of them is how much energy is in the photons. All of these photon-streams are part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum that you refer to in your question. Electromagnetic Spectrum: http://www.lbl.gov/MicroWorlds/ALSTool/EMSpec/EMSpec2.html Sound, however, is not a photon stream. It is a name we give to a compression wave that travels through some medium (usually air.) A compression wave is a series of alternating high-pressure and low-pressure regions, and this alternation of pressure causes our eardrums to vibrate, which our brains are wired up to interpret as sound. Nice visual of what a compression wave is like: http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/gbssci/phys/mmedia/waves/edl.html When we talk about the frequency of a sound, it is straightforward what we are referring to. It is the number of times that the compression wave alternates between high and low pressure in a second. 20 times a second seems very fast, but it is actually the lowest frequency that human ears can detect. 20,000 times a second seems impossibly fast, but that frequency can still be heard by most humans. Middle C is a vibration of around 260 Hz (260 times a second.) When we talk about the frequency of a photon stream, it gets confusing. Thats because of the crazy nature of light and other electromagnetic waves. Wed have to get into Quantum Mechanics to fully explain it, but the short answer is that it is convenient to think of light as a wave to explain certain things that it can be observed to do. You may have heard or read of the wave-particle dual nature of light. Light and other electromagnetic waves are composed of photons (particles), and arent REALLY waves, but can be observed doing things that can only be explained by modeling them as waves. If you want to get deeper into that aspect of things, here is a decent starting place: http://perso.club-internet.fr/molaire1/e_quantic.html As far as the frequency of electromagnetic waves is concerned, the numbers are quite high. Radio waves are the longest, lowest-frequency, electromagnetic waves there are, and they have a frequency of around 1 million Hz. Visible light has a frequency a BILLION TIMES more than radio waves. So not only are sound and light two totally different types of waves, but their frequencies are also very extraordinarily far apart. I expect there may be portions of this you want to explore further or want to have explained in a different way. Please dont hesitate to post a clarification request. Light is a tricky topic. Cheers, nauster-ga Google searches used: electromagnetic spectrum Hz "middle c" wave particle introduction | |
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rated this answer:![]() Thanks for the effort. It has been helpful. I may have more to ask as I ponder your replies... |
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Re: Relationship between soundwaves and lightwaves?
From: random1-ga on 29 Sep 2002 06:16 PDT |
I am not an expert on this topic so I would not consider my answer and comments the unquestionable truth, but I remember enough of past study that I can offer some guidance. Sound and light are fundamentally different. Sound is the vibration of molecules (typically air (though there is no "air" molecule, of course), although you can certainly hear through water - trying yelling to someone while you're both submerged in a pool, or through solids such as your own head - the fact that your head conducts sound is largely why your voice sounds so different to you as opposed to other people or a recorded version of your voice.) As such, sound travels through a medium and is not a physical entity. A vibrating object, such as a human vocal cord, violin string, saxophone reed, or a "speaker" produces sound. As a side note, humans can hear approximately 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, where 1 Hz is one vibration per second. Another term for light, electromagnetic radiation, makes its composition more clear. While light behaves as both a particle and a wave, it is a "thing" that can be transmitted through empty space (such as light travelling from the sun to earth). In empty space, there is no sound since there is no medium to conduct vibrations from the sound source to your ear, or a microphone. So, sound is simply a vibration of molecules, while light is a distinct physical entity that can be created and destroyed, absorbed/converted, etc. The primary similarity between light and sound are their behavior as waves. As such, they can both be reflected (by a mirror or a canyon, respectively), have frequencies of oscillation while can be measured as the color of light (or x-rays, etc. below the visual range) or the pitch of sound (observe the difference between an inaudible dog whistle, a doorbell, or a fog horn), and much more. As for what happens when you change the frequency of vibration - molecular vibration can range from the inaudibly low sounds of long-distance elephant calls to the immensely fast vibration of atoms, used to time precise clocks - e.g. a quartz watch or cesium as used in atomic clocks). As you change the frequency of "light" you range from high-frequency gamma rays emitted by radioactive materials to x-rays to ultraviolet (the kind that "burns" your skin) to visible light to infrared (many remote controls operate in this range) to microwaves (a kitchen "Microwave" is tuned to the vibrational frequency of water -- allowing you to convert "light" to "sound" very loosely speaking) all the way to low-frequency radio waves that travel vast distances and broadcast everything from Jazz Fusion to Mozart to the world. Sorry this comment is a little meandering, but it's free, after all. |
From: ulu-ga on 29 Sep 2002 16:28 PDT |
Both nauster and random1 explained the difference between sound and electromagnetic (EM) radiation. There are bands of EM that would be considered in the "audio" range. International Band Designators ELF extremely low frequency 3 to 30Hz SLF superlow frequency 30 to 300Hz ULF ultralow frequency 300 to 3,000Hz VLF very low frequency 3 to 30kHz http://www.fas.org/spp/military/docops/afwa/U2.htm (or maybe) Ultra Low Frequency (ULF, 3-30 Hz) Extremely Low Frequency (ELF, 30-300 Hz) Voice Frequecny (VF, 300-3000 Hz) Very Low Frequency (VLF, 3-30 kHz) There are occurences of very low frequency (VLF) EM waves. Some occur naturally from lightning (whistlers), auroras, meteors, earthquakes(?),... http://www-pw.physics.uiowa.edu/mcgreevy/ http://www-star.stanford.edu/~scr/Research.html http://www.censsis.neu.edu/documents/QuakeData/em.html These bands have also been looked at for long distance communication. http://www-star.stanford.edu/~vlf/pars/pars.htm http://www.qsl.net/g3xbm/elf.htm Radio waves below 22 KHz http://web.tiscali.it/vlfradio/ http://www.eter.ariadna.pl/ciekawe_artykuly/ponizej_30khz.htm Some people have other ideas about these frequencies. ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&safe=off&q=ELF+psychic Most of the site are fairly technical, but you can get some idea of how these low frequencies are used. |
Re: Relationship between soundwaves and lightwaves?
From: mike_r-ga on 03 Oct 2002 20:57 PDT |
We convert audio frequency photons into sound all the time. This is one way to view what a stereo does (or a buzzing transformer). In both cases the EM propagates at the speed of light and has all the other characteristics of photons. However, we don't really utilize the "traditional" "photonic" effects for these signals. Much of what we think of as "lightwave" effects are resonance phenomenon (such as ejecting an electron or tuning in KROC). That is why antenna size is a function of wavelength. For audio frequency lightwaves, we rely less on resonance effects and more on the field strength of the lightwave. We use very high field strengths -- and systems (like a speaker coil or transformer casing) that can track the field strength faster than it is changing. We also convert sound into photons (via microphones) but, again, we are more interested in field strengths than in the traditional "photonic" properties of the signal. Lastly, there is the phenomenon of Sonoluminescence whereby sound somehow (¿harmonically?) induces light pulses in liquids. |
Re: Relationship between soundwaves and lightwaves?
From: omnismiley-ga on 07 Dec 2002 08:55 PST |
JAT, Simplified comparison of light and sound: http://www.tpub.com/neets/book10/39h.htm The physics of tying light to sound: http://www.unesco.or.id/PROG/SCIENCE/BASIC/FofPhysics/Chapter13.PDF An interesting effort to tie the light spectrum and sonic spectrum together: http://www.o-art.org/history/Composers/Alexjander/DNA.html And if you are curious about real "projects" that will produce sound from light (light-to-sound converter): http://www.ee.ubc.ca/home/comlab1/edc/etc/www/aurora/ http://www.bedford.k12.ma.us/jgms/5thwebsite/m&senrich/Lighttos.htm http://www.forteantimes.com/review/electronics.shtml Looking at your question backwards, you might consider the following: Sonoluminescence, the process from converting sound to light http://laser.physics.sunysb.edu/~ken/websites.html Commercial sound-to-light converter: http://www.coldcpu.com/product.asp?alphacatid=CATHODE And an exact placement of sound in the RF spectra (if they were the same) ["rf spectrum"]: http://internet.ggu.edu/tech_industry_school/PACBELL/freqspec.JPG http://www.microindustrie.com/fcc/s1.htm http://chppm-www.apgea.army.mil/rfup/website/fig1.htm |
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