Can microwaves readings be measured accurately and affordably
in an apartment setting? If so would like sources and approx. price
range? |
Request for Question Clarification by
01 Mar 2006 15:06 PST
Would this device meet your needs?
Clarification of Question by
02 Mar 2006 19:27 PST
Dealgiver doesn't really look too good.
Not looking for a quick link so much as
info as in the first part of the ?
Someone would say...well they are selling them,
looks like the real thing, right?
Request for Question Clarification by
02 Mar 2006 23:21 PST
It would help if you elaborate a bit:
What microwave? Leaks from the oven, like this?
" ..Use this red apple shaped device to detect leaks. Simply move the
apple over door seals, hinges, and vents. The core blinks bright red
at the smallest leak, telling you it is time for a service call...."
Or mobile phones, or what.
And what does 'accurately and affordably' mean? What makes sense,
what's affordable , that depends on the purpose. Are you concerned
about safety,
or what?
Clarification of Question by
03 Mar 2006 11:25 PST
Measuring unsafe surges from
any concentrated source. Like misdirected mobile
satellite communication equipment(assuming
they send/receive microwaves)and the like. Im not concerned
about leaking microwave ovens.
Request for Question Clarification by
03 Mar 2006 20:49 PST
Mobiles (cell phones) operate in GHz range
so they really are not in microwave part of the spectrum
This is for tower to movil leg.
It is a bit different for transmission between the towers
but basically, all these are 'very soft photons' which do not cause
biological damage
These photons are softer then visible light,
and so first logical think would be to live in the darkness.
It is UV light ( where photons are harder then in visible) where dangerous
effect start.
There are people and companies who attempt to profit from irational fears
see e.g.
and keep spreading the legends.
If you do really need to study this in your own, I would suggest you do some
reading first, than select the range, amount of money you want to
spend, and then repost the question.
Or you can add more details, and ask me to elaborate in an answer.
Clarification of Question by
04 Mar 2006 14:07 PST
Been experiencing various physical symptoms
including nausea, lightheadedness, peculiar focused
pressure on eyes, chest, jerking motions at night etc.
And yes, my IBOOK keeps going offline no matter what I do.
The IBook I can handle but the other stuff means that
I have to attempt to nail down potential external sources
for my own satisfaction/health and as potential proof
against a particular neighbor/landlord.
Research quickly goes off into irational nonsense.
I picked up bits and pieces. A monitor with a triple access
coil, frequency weighted, might not be something
used by a typical technician.
Idealy one item at or near 1000.00 that can measure
WHATEVER could cause this.
Thanks for past help.