If the cartoon is on the web, you have to right click on it, and
choose "Save As" then when it asks for a location to save it, navigate
to your desktop, and click "Save."
Next, go to your email Compose box, and find a tab that says
Attachments. Click on the tab to add an attachment. It will require
you to Browse your computer to find the file to attach. This is when
you will browse to your Desktop and find the cartoon file you've
saved. Double click on that and that will place it in the attach box.
Click Attach. Then, click Return to message and enter your friend's
email address. You can also type a message in the message area,
perhaps telling them that you've attached a cute cartoon for them to
see...just as you would in any email.
You won't see the cartoon in the message area as it is an attachment...
Finally, just click Send to send the email and attachment to your friend.
When your friend receives your email, he/she will have to click on the
attachment symbol (it's a little paperclip) so that they can see what
you've sent.
I hope this helps!
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