Hello Lucidic,
I believe the quotation is:
?I don't own any of my own paintings because a Picasso original costs
several thousand dollars -- it's a luxury I can't afford.?
Pablo Picasso quotes (Spanish Artist and Painter. 1881-1973)
From Allgreatquotes.com
?I don't own of my own paintings because a Picasso original costs
several thousand dollars and that's a luxury I cannot afford.?
Pablo Picasso
"A painting by Picasso, Boy with a Pipe, has been sold for a new
record price --The Guardian reports that it went for $104 million at
an auction at Sotheby's in New York. Picasso was once quoted as saying
"I don't own any of my own paintings because a Picasso original costs
several thousand dollars -- it's a luxury I can't afford."
Another Picasso quotation from Brainy Quote:
My mother said to me, "If you are a soldier, you will become a
general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope." Instead, I was
a painter, and became Picasso.
Pablo Picasso Art Quotations from the Resource of Art Quotations
?People don't realize what they have when they own a picture by me.
Each picture is a phial with my blood. That is what has gone into it.?
?There's no such thing as a bad Picasso, but some are less good than others?
The Resource of Art Quotations
Search criteria:
Picasso art quotations own art OR paintings
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |