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electromagnetic mind control
Category: Relationships and Society Asked by: gubernacullum-ga List Price: $50.00 |
08 Mar 2006 12:38 PST
Expires: 07 Apr 2006 13:38 PDT Question ID: 705059 |
is there any evidence of electromagnetic mind control on the internet? if so what frequencies are employed and is there any defence against it? | |
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There is no answer at this time. |
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Re: electromagnetic mind control
From: markvmd-ga on 08 Mar 2006 13:26 PST |
My aluminum foil hat works very well. |
Re: electromagnetic mind control
From: cohenj-ga on 09 Mar 2006 06:49 PST |
Let's assume for a moment that your question is sincere. There is no such thing as "electronmagnetic mind control", on the Internet or anywhere else. There is no scientific basis for your suggestion that such a think exists. If you truly believe that electomagnetic mind control exists, I strongly suggest that you enter into a discussion with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist about it. This sort of belief is generally considered delusional. |
Re: electromagnetic mind control
From: threatconcharlie-ga on 19 Mar 2006 10:45 PST |
Yes there is ALOT of evidence of mind control (people buying hummer H3) It operates over regular FM radio waves that are capable of piercing almost every house in the US. There is a couple of ways you can protect yourself againts it. You could build a house deep underground where the waves cant get to you or you could line the rooms of your house with material that will reflect the waves. A good material to use would be lead or aluminum. |
Re: electromagnetic mind control
From: grant0-ga on 05 Apr 2006 14:07 PDT |
Markvmd: Nope, sorry. http://people.csail.mit.edu/rahimi/helmet/ It only helps the government. Although these people beg to differ: http://zapatopi.net/afdb/ On a more serious note, though: I have never seen any SERIOUS evidence about mind control anywhere, in print or on the web. There are no patents filed, because this invention does not yet exist. Cohenj: before diagnosing people with serious mental problems, try learning to spell. Of course there's no such thing as "elctronmagnetic mind control". I don't even know what "electronmagnetic" means. Although you may have mild paranoia, it's /highly/ unlikely that Gubernacullum is delusional. Threatconcharlie: building underground is very extreme, and very dangerous. If you are very paranoid, lining walls of your bedroom with a metal (aluminum is not very effective at blocking radio waves), preferably lead or titanium, may be worthwhile, in the near-impossible event anyone is trying to read your mind. If it operate over FM, why wouldn't the bodies governing FM transmissions have noticed, hm? Anyway, this invention is TOP SECRET and probably very very high-tech if it exists, so even five inches of lead may not block your mind waves. I suppose it depends on how strong-minded you are, eh? :P Seriously, while we have machines that can pick up brain waves, nobody has EVER been able to decode them much more than "sleeping brain" "awake brain" "brain at rest", etc. let alone work out what you are thinking. Of course, this still leaves the mystery of why anybody buys Hummers. ;-) |
Re: electromagnetic mind control
From: thiticalcrinker-ga on 30 May 2006 21:59 PDT |
If you want to learn about mind control you are going to need a few spare hours to watch some of the videos posted below. You have to work for knowledge. CNN is not going to hand deliver it to you in your home and you certainly won't be able to learn about it in 30 min. Use some independent thinking and watch all of these videos I've posted for your benefit. You base your perceptions on what you've seen and heard. If you look at existing technology and apply critical thinking, even a non-scientist can see how easily electormagnetic mind control can be achieved. First watch this video to understand how the brain interprets the senses.(The part about Allah is a matter of oppionion, you can skip that part). http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4232897377629019446&q=holographic+universe&pl=true Now watch this video on how resonance creates form. Its pretty amazing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sonpvUxGL8&search=webs%2520of%2520maya%0A Check out the Russian developed SCENAR device. If you pay attention to science news you might have seen an article where scientists used a 528hz frequency to repair DNA. Sorry I don't have the link for the article I read about it. http://www.energetic-medicine.net/scenar.html If you take a look at string theory it says that everything is made up of tiny strings that vibrate at certain frequencies and combinations to form matter. Every disease emits a subtle energy frequency. This is what the scenar scans for and detects. If you disrupt the frequency of the disease you disrupt the disease. Mind control works in the same fashion. For example, drugs have their own subtle energy frequency. If you were to copy the frequency of LSD for example and amplify and send that frequency to a persons brain they would experience the effects of the drug even though it is not physically present. You could also do this with pain. Copy a frequency combination that represents pain and amplify and send that to someone. You could esentially torture them 24/7 and there would be no "down time" for them to heal up again. This form of mind control uses frequency harmonics. The pain stimulated by these harmonics can be used to program someone also. If you want to see how this technology can be applied on a national or global basis you should watch this great documentary on Nikola Tesla. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5834867580747017149 If you would like to understand the history of mind control and the bigger picture watch this. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7472916155118781394&q=illuminati If you would like to hear the story of a woman that escaped a state controlled mind control project MK-ULTRA watch this. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7850559484065398098&q=mind+control Here is a link for a prisoner claiming to be experimented on with mind control technology http://www.totse.com/en/conspiracy/mind_control/brnpunsh.html If you think only mainstream media sources are going to bring you real news then you should consider the fact that YOU might be brainwashed. If only to a slight degree. Good luck. |
Re: electromagnetic mind control
From: thiticalcrinker-ga on 30 May 2006 22:10 PDT |
This is in reply to: grant0-ga on 05 Apr 2006 14:07 PDT >"I suppose it depends on how strong-minded you are, eh? :P" Being strong minded has nothing to do with it. They can crush the faith and beliefs of even the strongest christian. They can exploit functions of the brain so as to destroy your very foundation of who you are. Everyone can be broken and that is what has so many people frightened. What will you do when the concept of God doesn't even make sense to you. This is a very serious matter. |
Re: electromagnetic mind control
From: thiticalcrinker-ga on 30 May 2006 22:19 PDT |
If you haven't heard about the Verichip yet. You should listen to this. http://www.infowars.net/Pages/Jan05/170105_BBC_verichip.html http://www.spychips.com/press-releases/verichip-immigration.html Do you think this is a first generation implantable microchip? Hardly. There is no way of telling what type of technology is in this chip. Remember that MK-ULTRA started back in the 50s. Think about what 50+ years can do for technolgy. Expect to see the countries new 20 million "guest workers" sporting this chip. Don't wait until tomorrow to care about the future. |
Re: electromagnetic mind control
From: thiticalcrinker-ga on 30 May 2006 22:40 PDT |
Yet another. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3766261196377854122 |
Re: electromagnetic mind control
From: axcon-ga on 08 Jun 2006 08:57 PDT |
It seems that you have not search for any information on this theme. Let me tell you that different EM mind control divices has been used since 1940. Have you read the CIA - MK-Ultra project? In the search field type electromagnetic mind control projects, you will find tons of real information and you could obtain these documents "fredom information act". WHO IS THE WACKGUY NOW? http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=BAB20050929&articleId=1016 http://www.mindjustice.org/, http://www.vlf.it/zevs/zevs.htm This is a very good one = http://www.waco93.com/defenseelectronics.htm |
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