out of print board games
Category: Sports and Recreation > Games Asked by: xenologist-ga List Price: $2.00 |
08 Mar 2006 20:14 PST
Expires: 07 Apr 2006 21:14 PDT Question ID: 705196 |
i am trying to find three out of print board games FOR A RELATIVELY CHEAP PRICE, from dealerships or individual owners, via set price auction or direct sale. i have looked on ebay with partial success, which is to say i found the items, just not at a price i feel is reasonable. although i cannot quote all the sites, i've also checked with around 15-20 gameshops based in the usa. i've come to the conclusion that the games would be possibly easier to find overseas. the items (and manufacturers) are 1) Talisman, by games workshop, and its related expansion sets. there is a newer version of this which is not part of my search. the expansion sets vary in price, but any results under 80 dollars for either an expansion or the main set would be noteworthy. 2) Swords & Sorcery, by SPI. anything 40 dollars or less. there are two versions of this game's box art, however, they are the same on the interior. either works. 3) Cosmic Encounter, by eon. this game was also released by mayfair and hasbro(?!), but the only one i'm looking for is the eon version, and specifically the original 1977 release, although any early eon version will work. i'm also looking for its expansion sets, of which there are eight. anything under 75 dollars for any of these. as i don't expect much from this question, i will have to say that it is only worth two dollars to me to ask, however any aquireable results would be worth sizable tips depending on what i end up having to spend on the item in question. this is the first time i've used this service and i'm curious to see if i stump you guys or simply get ignored. best of luck and thanks for providing the service. |
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Re: out of print board games
From: tsbeebout-ga on 12 Mar 2006 20:38 PST |
Since I'm not a registered google answer-man, I'll disregard the first two games, and merely comment from personal knowledge on the third. It is my impression (and my research confirms this) that there are in fact nine total expansions to the original Eon Cosmic Encounter, though the ninth is extremely rare. In terms of playability, Mayfair's Cosmic Encounter and More Cosmic combined form a very playable replica of the original cosmic and all 9 expansions. There are no dedicated online resellers for these games currently, since Mayfair's stocks were recently depleted (about six months ago). The Sherriff and the Frog's ebay store (http://stores.ebay.com/The-Sheriff-and-the-Frog_Cosmic-Encounter_W0QQcolZ2QQdirZQ2d1QQfsubZ3QQftidZ2QQtZkm) usually carries a fairly complete set of cosmic expansions, and they currently have every expansion but four and nine, most of them complete and under 50 USD. Expansions 4, 8, and 9 are the rarest, and therefore the most expensive. Hope this has been of some help -- enjoy |
Re: out of print board games
From: tsbeebout-ga on 12 Mar 2006 20:45 PST |
For what it's worth, that same ebay store also has a significant Talisman collection, with a complete 2nd. edition board game (http://cgi.ebay.com/Games-Workshop-Talisman-2nd-ed-board-game-COMPLETE_W0QQitemZ8775211263QQcategoryZ2531QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem) that's close to your price range. There are also numerous expansions available, though I'm not sure which edition you play. |
Re: out of print board games
From: ohiogary-ga on 14 Mar 2006 18:37 PST |
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